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Sharp stood outside the international apparation spot, his luggage in his cloak. He had said goodbye to his sister and the twins, dashed off a quick letter reminding Potter to contact him if he was needed, and now, well now, he was stalling. He couldn't help it. There was a pit in the bottom of his stomach, and he couldn't stop himself from delaying.

One would never think he was an Auror at the moment. If he ever quaked, he would be doing it now. Bugger. What had Jack done to him? Damn the man.


He gulped, pulling his wand out of his pocket, and stepped into the spot. He took a breath then with a flick of his wand, he apparated.

Before he knew it, he was in the United States of America, New York City. The air smelled different, felt odd against his skin. The noise overwhelmed him. Just out of the apparation spot and concealing spells, he saw muggles rushing past. He'd never been to the States before, never felt the appeal. But here he was... for a man. What was the world coming to?

"Jackson Sharp?"

His head shot in the direction of the voice, hand tightening around his wand. It was a dark-haired man in a suit he didn't recognize. "Who're you?" They were all alone. Shouldn't there have been someone around. Jack? The man wasn't there.

"Mitchell O'Connell," he said, holding up his MACUSA badge and taking a step forward. "I work with Jack."

Sharp frowned. "Where's Jack?" He was supposed to meet him here. The plan was to drop his stuff off at the hotel then go for an early lunch. Something nagged at him. Jack wouldn't not show. He'd been begging for him to come for months.

A beat passed then O'Connell asked, "Can you come with me to MACUSA?" His eyes never truly met Sharp's, they seemed to be just over his right shoulder.

Dread started in his chest, but nonetheless, he went with O'Connell after a nod. Maybe Jack got caught up in a case he was working, even though he said he'd take the two weeks off with him. Sharp had told him no, but Jack had heard none of it. But an Auror was never truly off-duty.

The walk to the Woolworth Building, where the Magical Congress of the United States of America was housed, was short. Muggles shot passed them, minding their own business, shooting around them as they turned towards the building. They walked toward a side entrance where an owl was carved over the entrance. O'Connell discreetly waved his wand, and in they went.

Like the Ministry of Magic, MACUSA was a work of art when you stepped through the door. Up the steps they went, his attention caught on every little detail. The Magical Exposure Threat Level Measurer, the flocks of interdepartmental memos, the magical creatures, and the witches and wizards going by. A few greeted O'Connell, and the man replied but never long enough to chat. He then turned to the lifts, and Sharp followed.

The silence in the lift was suffocating. Usually, one for silence, he wanted to shake the wizard next to himself, question why he was being so cryptic. He never said a word, though, clenching his hands behind his back and waiting. Impatiently.

When the lift beeped, opening for them, they got off and stepped into the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, the Auror Division. Wizards and witches ran around, memos shooting through the air just above their heads. The department was chaos, Aurors  calling back and forth to each other, things flying across the room. Sharp dodged a pile of files that flew close to his head.

Something was wrong. He knew the hustle and bustle of a busy Auror office, but this was different. It was in the tension of the room, in the hard faces of the wizards and witches.

Glancing around, his attention caught on a man speaking to another in the corner of the room.

Anger and jealousy rose in him. He couldn't help it, and he hated it, hated that he felt that way. Merlin curse it. The President, Samual Quahog, crossed his arms, shaking his head at whatever the man was telling him.

Jack and the President's interactions reflected in his mind. It was foolish. Jack had never said they had a relationship. But... his jealousy was all-consuming. Dammit. Whenever they were together, Sharp couldn't think of anything else. When Jack had mentioned that the President stopped by his hotel room late at night when they'd been working on the Fyrefox case, his mind filled with images of Jack and the way he arched his back and the man with him wasn't Sharp, it was the President.


His hands tightened into fists. Now was not the time to be thinking about that. Something was wrong and Jack wasn't here. And the best person to give him answers was the President.

Sharp set his jaw and started to walk over. O'Connell called his name but he had the President in his crosshairs, he wasn't going to be distracted. He couldn't be, this involved Jack.

He walked right up to the President, cutting the other man with him off. "Mr. President."

He looked up, a flash of something shot across his face before Sharp could read it.

"Mr. President, I'm sorry," O'Connell said, coming over.

The President brushed his words away. "Sharp. You're here," he said, meeting his eyes. He then rubbed the back of his neck and turned back to the man. "I'll meet with you in an hour, Gast. And I've got him, O'Connell."

Both men nodded and walked away, but Sharp never took his eyes off the President. "I expect Jack told you I was coming," he said when they were alone.

The President nodded. "He did." And that was it. He didn't say anything else.

"Where is Jack?" He tried, looking around for the man.

He didn't say anything, and tension rose in Sharp. He'd spoken to Jack two days ago. The man had told him he had some things to do before Sharp showed up, and he'd see him when he got here.

"Quahog," Sharp said when he didn't answer.

The President sighed. "Jack's missing."

Ah! I'm so sorry it's a short chapter! My mind has been a million miles away but I'm here now. I hope to have a chapter up in a few days! Much love to you all <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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