~PART 1: confessions~

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dora sat next to boots, struggling to hold in her piss and cummies so she was wiggling around in her seat.

"b-b-b-b-b-boots?" "c-c-c-c-c-can i-i-i-i-i t-t-t-t-tell—"


"OKAY I'M SORRY............." dora moaned as she flicked her hair back cutely, still struggling to hold onto her liquids.

"i love you bootsie-chan...."

boots blushed in more areas than one. before you know it, boots' magnum, 5 meter long, member started to grow within a matter of seconds.

"oh my, boots.......it's so hefty and gargantuous......" dora bit her lip as her piss and cummies started to leak all over boots' cock.

"put it in bootsie chan" dora groaned as she bent over, her bussy leaking with diarrhea and cum, facing boots. oh no...boots' member started to grow even larger! his penis ended up growing another 10 meters, dora was even more aroused.

dora pushed boots onto the ground as she thrusted his abnormally large, sweaty member into her tight asshole. they both climaxed in a matter of seconds, but they both kept on going.

*timeskip: 1 hour later*

cummies everywhere, dora layed flat on the floor, looking like a pancake. boots was trying to make his member smaller by pushing it back into his body, but boots enjoys cock and ball  torture very much, so it only got bigger and stronger.

boots started to cry, to sob even. with dora still laying flat on the ground, unconscious, boots didn't know what to do. he looked around to try and find something or someone that would help him.

"wait.................who is that?"

it was SWIPER! he was peeping at dora and boots through a bush the WHOLE TIME! while rubbing his little olive.

swiper looked at boots, only to see him staring at his man clit. swiper fell back in shock, but he got back up and started to make his way towards boots' magnum dong.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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dora and friends (dora x boots x swiper) (smut)Where stories live. Discover now