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Lee had a stupid ass look on his face.

It was a warranted stupid ass look, but stupid nevertheless. It went unnoticed by both you and Trench, who you had just called "dad," but Barney was red enough in the face for Lee. He was wearing nothing but his boxers, staring at the both of them like a deer in the headlights.

Barney carefully pushed his way behind Trench and elbowed Lee's side, giving that no-bullshit-Barney look. It snapped Lee back to the present, but he was still dumbstruck and lost.

"What are you-"

"I don't hear from you in months, and then I hear that you've-"

"Barney!" You were raging now. Lee could see that horrified fire in your eyes like he had before, and even he shuddered from the wrath that spilled across the room. He was glad it wasn't directed at him, but Barney shrunk.

"Ross didn't tell me shit," Trench said, voice low and dark. "Actually, that would've been preferable over the fucking radio where-"

"Why are you here?" You yelled, fists clenched and tight.

"Because you made a mess!" Trench snapped back, just as venomous. Now that he was comparing the both of you, Lee seemed to get it. "And I come here, and you are fawning over Christmas instead of dealing-"

"Woah, woah," Lee said, shaking his head. "I don't-"

Before anybody could react, Trench had a knife pulled and aimed at Lee's throat. Barney huffed and rolled his eyes.

"Was I talking to you?"

You had had enough. You stomped towards Trench and shoved his arm aside, away from Lee. You pried the knife from his hands and slammed it to the ground, the metal echoing in your small kitchen and entrance.

"You're talking to me, and I'm right here," you snapped. "A grown ass woman, who doesn't need her fucking father to-"

"To clean up your mess," Trench said, nodding with a feverish warmth in his face. "That group will be after you, with what you did. Do you even understand-"

"I'm perfectly safe with my team!" You said, veins bulging in your forehead and neck. "I'm perfectly safe with myself! I can handle myself!"

There was a waver in your words that Barney and Lee noticed, but it was subtle enough to fly by Trench's head.

Trench dropped his head and pinched his nose, similar to how Barney always did. Considering they had known each other a long time ago, it made sense they'd have some of the same mannerisms.

"Lee, go get dressed," Barney said, finally stepping between you and Trench.

Lee felt like protesting, but he knew he wasn't in a position to say or do much. He was a layer of fabric away from being naked. He disappeared into your bedroom and you turned to follow him, but Barney took your wrist.

"Y/n, come on, let's have it out."

"I'm not in the mood," you said, biting back the sting of tears coming over you. You felt like a kid again, being scolded for playing too hard on the playground or cheating on a test. Trench and Barney both had that effect on you and in that moment you felt small and inconsolable, and you wanted nothing more than to boot them out of your apartment and close yourself up in your bathroom. You'd sleep in the empty tub, curtain drawn, lights off.

"Y/n, I was worried about you," Trench started, lifting his head up and looking at you over Barney's shoulder. Barney was tense, hoping he wouldn't have to break up any sort of fight.

You looked over both of them again and wondered how hard it would be to take them down and make a run for it. It was that fight or flight edge you'd been stuck in since you woke up, reliving what you did in first person, not the third person way you had experienced it.

𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬// (Lee Christmas x Reader) (The Expendables)Where stories live. Discover now