
516 19 3

Mystery 6/10
Romance 7.5/10
Smut 6/10
Hey guys this is my second book. I decided to write a Haikyuu / Harry Potter crossover because there really isn't enough. I did use some stories for reference if you want to check them out. ⬇️
•The Slytherin Tangerine by Saphireraven13
• A witchcraft secrecy by TaKeItOutSiDeHoE

Bold- talking
Italic- thoughts/ something important (mostly thoughts)

It does not do well to dwell on dreams and forget to live. – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

On a cold chilly summers night , everyone is asleep in their houses in the quiet neighborhood . Crickets are creaking and owls are howling by the near by forest .
Bushes are rustling from the curious bunnies and lively critters.
Trees are swaying back and forth on top of hill where a teenage boy is walking.
Quiet footsteps are heard going from pavement to a dirt road. From Street Lamps to the rays of the neon moon.
And underneath that beautiful moon is a glowing sun-ray walking with a tattered old book in his hands. Glasses slightly falling off the bridge of his nose , hair in a orange mop of a mess and eyes full of childlike excitement . Reading every word that is printed on said book along with the side notes left by the students, who checked the book out before him.
Hunger is stirred up in his belly and mind . Growing passionate about his "work studies"  like he is about his favorite.
Getting too caught up into the book which holds a different language than the one he is used to.
Tripping over his small feet and baggy school jeans that are loosely hanging on the bottom of his soles.
He crashes onto the dirty ground still holding his hands above to protect the fragile volume .
Getting up he puffs out his cheeks and gives a silent pout to the never ending darkness . Glaring at the ground for disturbing his concentration.
While doing so he gives out a sad sigh and marks his page with a red ribbon. Glancing at his raised wrist which holds a family heirloom , in which he received along with a letter last year in middle school .
Lowering his wrist he looks out into the dark night and shakes his head completely forgetting what the time it showed and once again bringing his wrist up to see the time a second time.

8:15 pm ,already two hours have past since practice let out. Getting to  caught up in his after studies to care less on when he comes home . Knowing full well that his father and mother will be worried and addressing on why he arrived late yet again.
Gorgeous parents who are very much  in love , and still are from the day they both met.

Finally reaching his destination , he slings his small backpack in front his him and carefull slides the book inside , zipping it closed , he huffs a sigh.  Already feeling the toll the lectures are going to have on him once he steps through his creaky old threshold.

Hinata POV
Please don't be waiting on the couch.
Sending a silent prayer to the heavens above.
Opening up his pale blue door he  slowly peaks his head inside.
Fully opening up his door he looks to his left. Two middle aged individuals are cuddling onto the living room couch . Waiting for their eldest son to be home , and scared shitless that something happened to him .

Why must I jinx myself every single time .

"Mom .. Dad .. what brings you here ?"
Giving off a cheeky grin with a hand rubbing his now sweaty neck.
"Your practice ended almost 3 hours ago" his brown haired mom said stating an obvious fact.
"Where were you ? And what were you doing out so late without contacting me or your dad?"
His mother is fuming trying not to lash out a full blown lecture.
His dad giving him a grin knowing full well why he was held up.
Giving his dad the stink eye. He sends a silent message to him.
Traitor !!
Turning to grab his backpack he takes out his book and slowly hands his angry mother the reason for being out so late.
Raising her eyebrows in shock completely forgetting why she was mad in the first place.
"Shouyo... your already on Advanced Magic Spells ?!!  From grade 6 ?! Your barely in your 5th year shouyo.. how? .. when?

Heaving a tired sigh, his mother glances at him and his book, a final time . Giving him a forgiving smile she hands him his one of many book back. Raising her voice into a stern motherly tone .

"Next time tell me or your father if your going to be out late. That way we aren't worrying . You nearly gave us a heart attack".

I'm sorry mom and I will !! I promise ! Bending at a full 90• angle to show him parents his upmost regret.
Holding his book he than let's out a soft giggle and sprints up the creaky stairs .
Opening his bedroom door he walks in and gives a good jump. Softly landing onto his bed, he once again opens up his book.
Getting too carried away with his hunger for knowledge.
Relaxing he drinks in his relaxed state, savoring the times when he can act like himself. Not the one he shows at his school but the one at home and in the other world only few know about.

Hogwarts a place where magic is taught like a second language. 4 Houses that make up the minority of school. Gryffindor the Brave. Hufflepuff the Loyal. Ravenclaw the Intelligent. And lastly Slytherin the Cunning.

Under all those houses only one showed his true nature. Was he Brave ? Yes he was . Was he intelligent? Check . What about loyal? He'll yeah he was.
He fit into every single house but non gained his attention unlike the very last. Slytherin the cunning, resourceful, ambition and most all in which the house is known for, leadership.
Every single trait to be found in the 5'3 teenager but unlike most he hides it away underneath his dorky adorable cute self.

This is we're two sides of a coin comes in.
Adorable , kind, brave , childlike.
On one side .
Cunning, intelligent, resourceful, and ambitious.
On the other .
Flip the coin and both sides are revealed .
But who reveals it and who sees are both the problem, for the coin itself .
Let me know how the first chapter is!! So I know if I should continue or not. I'm certainly am going to be writing in both of my books so it may take longer to update.
Much thanks and love .
~ Author

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