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BOLD= talking or sayings Italic= thoughts or important information
pictures above have no relevance to the story below I just wanted to show a cute picture.
Yeah you know what, I love volleyball but today is just not my day, I'm going home.

Walking home was his favorite time of day. No yelling, no arguing and most of all no loud noises.
Nothing but him and birds chirping away in the summer trees. Nobody to bother him from his studying and his time alone.
Times like these, where the afternoon is peaceful, hinata loves to close his eyes and sit somewhere.
Whether it be with a cup of coffee or one of his favorite books, he is in absolute peace.

Him and his old creaky bench underneath him as he thinks about the countless scenarios that are about to happen.
Do I act the same as I am in volleyball?
Or do I show how i truly am and not give a rats ass about anything, but my beloved volleyball and studying.

Leg crossed over his left, his foot begins to tap to its own beat. Agitation and anxiety has made it's way into hinatas head.
Which one do I choose to show, will they except me for who I am ... countless students have their grudges against us, so would it be the same for them as well?

Shaking his head he lets in a much needed puff of air, sucking in the fresh breeze as its lulls his orange locks of hair to the side.
No of course they wouldn't think that right? We're all practically 'family' !
So why am I having these doubts..

Mavis (lol wrong story) I need some butter beer. Groaning he forces his sore muscles moving.
Getting up from the wooden bench he heads back home, ready to have a much needed discussion with his parent(s).

Reaching home he begans opening the front door and from then on, he already knew what was happening. The inside of the door is scorched beyond repair, yelling and cussing could be heard from a mile away.
Yep father did it again, I feel somewhat bad for that old fool. No matter what he does he never learns.

Slapping a hand over his mouth to keep the chuckles from breaking loose. He glances to his right, ready to make his escape.
If I make it to the stairs before one of them comes in I'll be able to make it to the neutral zone (his room) and not have to side with either parent.
Right before he steps to the base of the stairs he hears a masculine squeal and a large thunk come into the living area right by the stairs.

Hearing a sickly sweet voice "Sweety dinner is ready".
And that's when he knew, that by coming back home early; he fucked up.

Anxiety once again kicked in making him twirl his thumbs back and forth together, while walking past the body that is knocked out, on the threshold of the kitchen.
Is he even still alive? Taking a quick glance to his dad lying on the floor, he averts his eyes, but not without getting a glare from his mother who caught him in the act.

"Sit down and have something to eat you must be hungry." Hearing his mothers pitched tone,(the kinda tone where you know she's pissed but hides it in a form of being sweet.)
Already feeling himself sweat he picks up his utensils, hands shaking in the process.

"You mind telling me why I found your FaThEr with a potion, from Fred and George's Weasleys prank shop?"
Opening his mouth to utter an excuse, he's interrupted again.
"And you mind telling me why you're father seems to think your the one who gave it to him? Hmmm?"

Feeling sweat drip from his forehead, he starts to feel nervous. Once again my father is a traitor.
If he's says the wrong answer he'll end up like his father.
And oh what poor fool he is for using it on his mother while cooking.
Quickly putting together his excuse like the Leader he is. He utters a single lie to get out of the endless punishments that are waiting for him on the other side.

"Well I um well you see , father must have got it from the twins who were here last weekend ha ha um. Remember they came to visit to discuss tutoring?"
Quickly berating himself at the back of his mind for stuttering, he glances back and forth from his mother back to the body lying down.
In the living room you can hear his dads voice reply back to his useless excuse. "He's a liar !! Don't believe someone from Slytherin!!" A loud snicker could be heard from his dad while he tries to army crawl away.

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