Chapter Two

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Author POV

Danielle woke up to the feeling of arms around her. She slowly turned around and saw Rafael snuggled up to her. She slipped out of the bed and went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. She came out and saw him still sleeping so she walked into the sitting area of the room. The view that she saw last night was calling her name as the morning sky began to change colors. She stood in front of the window admiring the view as well as building up the confidence to tell Rafael that she couldn't do this. She couldn't spend five years being a prisoner to someone.

"Good Morning." Rafael said, gaining her attention.

"Morning, Mr.Martini." She replied.

"Rafael." He said sternly.

"No, for me you will be Mr.Martini because I can't work for you. I would like to go back home now." She explained. A still silence filled the room for a few minutes but Rafael's chuckle broke it up as he approached her. Danielle gulped as he pinned her against the glass window.

"You can try to leave, Ms.Perez but before you leave this hotel someone will escort you right back here. You became my wife the day you signed that contract. No, take backs, no returns." He informed her.

"This isn't fair." She protested.

"You should've read the fine print, princess." He taunted before walking away.

Danielle scoffed as he entered the kitchen area and started a pot of coffee. She glared at him knowing that she had to get out of this someway. Her contract was in her suitcase that she hadn't seen since she left the airport. She stormed into the kitchen gaining Rafael's attention as he looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Can I help you with something princess?" He asked.

"Yes, first stop calling me princess, and second where's my suitcase." She asked demandly.

"You won't be needing that." He simply responded.

"Excuse me?" She defensively asked.

"I will provide you with new clothes when we move into the house." He explained.

"My suitcase has all my information and personal things." She yelled.

"Stop yelling." He said firmly.

"No, who are you....." Danielle's sentence was cut off when she found herself being placed on the counter. Rafael's deep stare scared her a little bit but she became stiff when he gripped her chin tightly.

"You can play boss lady all you want but I will warn you that the consequences that come from that aren't pretty." He explained sternly.

"What are you going to beat me now?" She asked.

"Playing dumb I see." He replied.

Danielle gasped as he bit her cheek causing her reflex to kick in. Rafael found himself falling to the ground as she furrowed her eyebrow. The door to the hotel room opened and the sound of high heels filled the room.

"What is going on in here?" Camilla asked in a worried tone.

"He bit me." Danielle replied.

"What's going on, Camilla?" Rafael asked sternly as he stood to his feet.

"I was coming to bring the clothes you requested and tell you about the project." She replied.

"Give us five minutes." He replied sternly. Once Camilla was gone, he turned to Danielle with a glare that literally killed her. She gulped as he approached her. She attempted to slide off the counter but he only lifted her back up.

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