Chapter 20: The Beach Chapter, Cause This is A Harem Book

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(Your POV)
A day at the beach? What is this, a harem book?

All of us guys were on the beach wearing swim trunks that matched our personality, like I have rainbow swim shorts, Ryoma has a black and white striped pair, Gonta's had a bug pattern, Kaito had stars, and so on. All of us were just standing around, waiting for the girls to finish changing. For the record, Angie's always wearing her swimsuit under her yellow cardigan, so don't ask me why she needed time to change. Other than that, Gonta was making me look bad because the dude looked like a heavy weight champion, Ryoma was a close second despite his small size, and Kaito was in third place when it came to muscles. As for me, I was in the same category as Korekiyo, walking noodles.

"So how much are you willing to bet Miu walks out wearing some kind BDSM outfit that Korekiyo would most likely wear?" Kokichi asked out of nowhere as Gonta and I were building a sandcastle.

"Oh please, even Miu isn't that bad...I hope." I commented, praying to Atua that Kirumi protects Tohka, Yuzuru, and Kaguya's innocence, wait why am I praying to Atua?

"I have converted you..." Angie suddenly appeared behind me, making me jump behind Gonta out of reflex. "Fear not (Y/N), Atua is a good god!"

"That's what they all say!" I recalled that's the same thing all cultists say, and I noticed that Angie didn't change her outfit at all. "By the way, where are the others?"

"Over there." Angie pointed her finger at the changing rooms, and there I saw all the girls coming out in their swimsuits, and unlike all harem protagonists, I ALMOST had a nosebleed.

"So why are we at the beach anyways?" Ryoma asked from his spot under the umbrella. "We're on vacation, sure, but is a beach really necessary?"

"Simple, we would like to do some team building exercises." Reine held her clipboard, but one thing I noticed about her gray swimsuit was the fact that her stuffed bear was in between her chest, guess she must really like it.

Say, why does that bear look familiar? It almost looks like a bear I made in the past...a bear that is the sole reason I started painting in the first place?

"We will be playing volleyball." Reine held up a volley ball in her hand. "The teams are Yuzuru, Kaguya, Gonta, Ryoma, Kaede, Angie, and Korekiyo against the rest of us."

"Okay then, let's play." I commented as all of us got onto our respective sides of the court, and for some reason, Korekiyo began drawing in the sand on our side.

Shuichi served the ball, sending it to our side as I ran towards the spot and hit it over to the other side. Tenko somehow jumped into the air wearing a swimsuit that looked more like gym clothes before kicking the ball onto our side. Not sure if those were aligned with the rules, but whatever. In response to this, I created a tennis racket with my relic and handed it to Ryoma, who jumped into the air and knocked the volleyball onto the other side, causing Kaito to knock it over to our side. Gonta tried hitting the ball, but he was a little too slow, so the point went to the other team.

Some power time passed and we weren't doing well , it was like it was just me, Gonta, Kaede, Ryoma, and Angie Doing all of the work for the team. Kaguya and Yuzuru were bickering between one another, and Korekiyo was still drawing in the sand. Kaede and Ryoma seemed to be getting tired, so I decided to let them sit out and rest their bodies. Gonta and Angie didn't seem too bothered, so they stayed in. Still, Yuzuru and Kaguya were bickering, so I pulled them off to the side to give them a little encouragement.

"Alright you two, stop bickering." I ordered as the two girls pout. "How about this, whoever scores the most points wins a snack of their choosing. However, if you two work together, then I get snacks for both of you."

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