Third Year

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It was the beginning of my last and final year here at UA. The second year went by like a breeze, but there was still that constant bitching from others. Luckily some of those students were kicked out due to Mr Aizawa. Who was tired of hearing it.

Throughout the years I kept up my work with Hawks. He trusts me fully and knows what I'm capable of. I would train with Hawks, and eventually landed my work studies with Mirko. She wanted me to assist her, Hawks had approved due to the fact that he couldn't take me under his wing for work studies. At least not at the moment due to the fact that he had to get some type of approval before he could have me. Something about being a student and him being a new hero.

There was one time where he tried, key word tried, to make me fly with wings. We both quickly discovered that my ice has a quick cooling affect. Causing me to almost lose all feeling in my back. I remember his reaction was to call my father out of all things and have him melt my back. My father. You can imagine the smug look on his face he had when he had to melt my ice off my back. It took him a little bit, but it got the work done. What I didn't expect was to see the shocked expression he had when he saw my back. Hawks too. I glared at them both, easily shutting them up. It hasn't been talked about, and I plan to keep it that way. Mirko was there with us that day too and I can still remember the look of sadness on her face.

Speed was Hawks top priority so he got me working on quick ice blast from my hand to propel me through the air and this worked because of the thermal within my gloves. As for Mirko, her priority was agility. We would work from time to time on my agility along with stamina increase.

As of right now me and Shoto are in the car. We were currently on our way to UA. He was as quiet as ever and so was I. I was the one to break the silence,

"Don't let anyone push you down because you got recommended."

He quickly turns to look at me and nods his head. He probably won't get bullied as much as I did because his quirk of both our fathers and mothers was intense. I was worried that a reputation that I had would affect him.

"I'm known to be a stone cold bitch at the school. So if you see people giving me looks ignore it."

I explain to him. He nods his head, I could tell he wanted to say something but decided against it. I knew that he thought it was unfair of people to look at me like that, but it's been three years at the school and I can't change it now. We enter the school together, both of us standing tall and proud. It was obvious that we were siblings, our hair isn't that common, and he half the color that I had. Shoto had me walk him to class so he didn't get lost in the huge school.

I took a quick glance within the class and saw a boy with glasses, a girl with black hair and a pony tail, and a guy with a mask and multiple limbs.

"I am Tenya Iida! Who might you two be?"

He holds out his hand for us to shake, Shoto being the respectable kid he is, shook it and introduced himself.

"The names Shoto Todoroki."

Shoto nods his head towards this Iida kid, before taking his seat. I shook hands with Iida and we heard gasps from lingering students trying to get a good look at some first years.

"She's actually being nice!?"

"Probably just a ruse so the new ones don't know about her true nature."

I roll my eyes at the gossipers and sigh. I could see that Iida was tilting his head a bit at the words he heard from the gossiping second years.

"I'm Y/N Todoroki. I'm a third year here at UA. Good luck in your years to come."

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