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"You're right. I am just a girl. A girl who's friend is getting bullied by general fucks like you."
~Y/N Todoroki


Today I was walking to classes with Amajiki. Him and I were walking peacefully together, neither of us were much for words, but it didn't make our friendship less valuable. Once we reached the school building I separated from him, I had a locker farther away from his due to our last names, I would go back and get him because I didn't want him to be overwhelmed with all the people. Something like that can cause him to panic, and I knew Mirio would've done it, but I didn't see him as I walked to our lockers.

I finished putting my indoor shoes on and grabbing the stuff I needed for the day and I headed back towards Amajiki. Once I got there I could see a few third years crowding him. I narrow my eyes and walked a bit faster. A body could be heard being slammed across the locker along with the phrase,

"You're too weak to be a hero."

Fuck school rules at this point. My eyes glared at the bullies and I stomped my foot on the ground, I froze the one's hand that was holding Amajiki on the locker as I walk over to get the bully off of him. I don't know how they made it this far with the attitudes that they have. They must be general studies students. Within a flash, one of them tried punching me. I was quick to react, I grab his fist and use a little bit of my ice to freeze his hand. He pulls back and glares. He shakes his hand because of how cold it was.

"You're just a girl. You don't think you could really take all of us can you?"

"You're right. I am just a girl. A girl who's friend is getting bullied by general fucks like you."

I could hear the one with blue hair scoff a bit. Laughing almost. I simply walk over to the one who was frozen in place. His hand was frozen over as well. He couldn't move, I knew that much. I remove the bully's hand from Amajiki's collar and help him down. I held a neutral face as I feel Amajiki grab on to my hand. I hold his hand in mine, knowing it would bring him more comfort. Amajiki gives a small thank you as we both walk away from the general third years.

"Hey, ice bitch, we ain't done with you!"

I could hear one of them say. How creative of a name. Not like I've heard that one before. I could feel Amajiki tense up a bit. I squeezed hand in mine to bring him comfort. I then turn turn around to face the bullies.

"You're right. I'm not done."

I stomp my foot again, making the ice break. I glare at them and I could tell one of them was about to use their quirk on me and I just glare even harder. Amajiki was frightened a little bit, as he hides behind me and the general studies kids backed off. I turn around and begin walking off. Amajiki was walking along side me.

"Rumors are gonna start again. If anything negative about you is said, I will put a stop to it."

"T-thank you.. Todoroki-Chan.."

He says softly. I give him a half smile, letting him know that I'd always help him. He gives me a soft hug and I tap his shoulder softly.

"You're strong Amajiki. Don't feel weakened by the likes of others. They're just bullies who think you're an easy target."

He nods his head. Once we separated I walked into the classroom. I could see a few of my classmates look at me. Over the past year, I noticed a few of them actually did like me but were too afraid to say anything. I don't blame them, they would get crushed in the crowd too. I sit down at my desk and I could hear stomping feet coming towards me. It was Ava Anaki, she was known to have feelings for Amajiki. She slams her hands on the desk and gives me a pathetic threatening look. Seems as if I can't catch a break today.

Blue Ice || Mirio Togata X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now