Chapter 1

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Camila's POV
Today is another day of school ugh summer went to fast.Right now I'm taking a quick shower because Dinah is taking me to school.For school I'm wearing a white crop top,light blue jeans,and I'm taking my hair a little bit curly.I already finished changing and now I'm going down stairs to eat breakfast.While I was getting a bowl of cereal my mom said to me"Good morning honey ready for school"I told her"Yeah I guess."My mom then left to take my sister Sofi to school.I just got a text from Dinah.

Hey Mila I'll be there in a minute

Okay I'm already ready I'll be waiting for you.

Then I heard Dinah honk from outside and I got my backpack and was ready to go.

Dinah's POV
Hurry up Mila we are going to be late for school.When Camila open the door all that I said was whoa because she was different from yesterday.
"What!"Camila said to me
"Camila you look way different from yesterday were are your glasses"
"Well I don't need them anymore and I feel I need to change my style a bit"Camila told me
Then I started to drive us to school and the ride was quite.I was thinking what are the girls going to say about the new Camila.


Camila's POV
We are at school and everyone is looking at me because how I dress today, yes I change my style but I'm still the same Camila.These boys past by us and said that I look beautiful.Dinah told me,"Wow Mila you already have boys after you."I told her they just said I look beautiful no big deal it doesn't mean they like me.When Dinah and I were walking to class I saw the boy that has my heart and it's the most popular bad boy in the school the great Austin Mahone.He would never like me he always makes fun of me since 9th grade we use to talk in middle school but since we came to high school he change and hates me for no reason.I don't like waking pass him because he always making out with his girlfriend.

"Hey Mila are you ok"Dinah said

"Oh sorry I was just thinking about class"I told Dinah

Then we walk to class

Austin's POV
I'm crazy for Stefanie we been together for 2 weeks she knows how to make out.Stefanie is so hot like mmm... I would like to get some. After me and Stefanie finished making out I took her to class.My first period is English when I was going to class I saw my 3 best friends Alex,Robert,and Zach I stop to talk to them but the bell rang.I went late to class when I got in Ms.Gomez told me"Your late Mr.Mahone take a seat next to Miss.Cabello." I was looking around to find that nerd but didn't see her so I said" um Ms.Gomez where is she" Ms.Gomez said"Camila can you please put your hand up."When Camila put her hand up she was different she had no glasses and had a new style I had my mouth open but then quickly close it and started to walk towards her.

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