Chapter 2

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Camila's P.O.V
Lauren, Normani, and Ally walk in class and they all told me that I look beautiful but with or without the new style I always look beautiful. I told them thanks. Then the bell rang and class started and we went to our seats.

"Class please take your seats and open your book to lesson 9." Ms.Gomez said

Ally and Lauren sat in front of me and by my right side Dinah and Normani. After 5 minutes of class Austin walk in late like always.

"Mr.Mahone your late take a seat next to Miss.Cabello." Ms.Gomez told him

She must be kidding me because I don't want him near me at all.

"Ms.Gomez where is she." Austin said

"Camila can you please put your hand up." Said Ms.Gomez

I had to put my hand up to show Austin where I was sitting at but kept my head down pretending I was reading the book. Then I heard footsteps coming closer and closer to me.

Austin's P.O.V
I was walking towards Camila and I couldn't stop looking at her she looks pretty even thoe I always bully her.

"Hey" I said when I sat down

"Hey" Camila said but still had her head down

Then my phone when on and it was a text message from Brad.

Brad: "Hey Austin are we going to have football practice or basketball practice today?"

Austin: "Today we are having basketball practice tell the guys."

Brad: "ok"

After I finished texting Brad I got bored and there was only 5 minutes of class. By time those 5 minutes pass and the bell rang.

Camila's P.O.V
My next class is Math with Mrs.Scott I really hope Austin doesn't come at all because he always mess with me in front of his friends and they call me names. I wonder why didn't he mess with me in English. I sat down on my seat next to Dinah and she ask a question about Austin.

"Hey Mila what did Austin told you in English." Dinah said

"He just said hey" I said

"Are you sure he didn't mess with you because right now I'll go and kick his ass."
"No Dinah he just said hey calm down." I told her

Hey!!! Thank you for reading my book I hope you like it and I'll try to update around this week like Thursday or Friday if I'm not busy with school stuff

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