"Breaking Ice."

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After spending a few days together, Calvin and Ruby recited their farewells to the family after escorting them to a fork in the road. It was a fun few days as Calvin learned some tips from the man while Ruby discovered how to cook some stew.

"Just take the path on the left and continue straight, you'll eventually reach a cheap lodge where you can hitch a ride from some traveling merchants on their way to the capital," Calvin explained while pointing his finger at a map. The man and his wife were thankful for the two's help.

As they were about to set off, the man looked back at Calvin with a message, "If you two ever come by the capital, don't hesitate to contact me. Our household will be welcoming you both with open arms, just tell the guards you know someone named Lucas Placarte and they will let you in."

The two of them shared a look then back at the family, "We'll take you in on your offer but we still have unfinished business to do," Calvin replied.

"Do come to visit us, our baby will be overjoyed to have some playmates," said the woman as she carried their baby.

"We will and we'll bring some presents too," Ruby smiled back to the little bundle of joy waving at her. The baby giggled as it gripped the girl's finger in its tiny hands, "Don't worry, we'll visit you soon." She then gave it a peck on the forehead.

Saying their goodbyes and waving their hands, the family departed while the two watched from afar. From the distance, they heard the baby crying as the mother had trouble calming it down, so Ruby formed a cup in front of her mouth then breathed in, "Don't worry Monty! We'll play again soon!" And just like that, the wailing ceased.

Calvin whistled as he stared at her, "I never knew you were so great with little children," he complimented her.

"Well, of course, I used to be a child too, until..." she chuckled as she turned around.

"What happened?" Calvin asked her.

"I grew up," she had a nostalgic smile on her face, however, Calvin could sense the bitterness behind her facade. He decided not to ask any further and he might open up sensitive topics, so instead, he kept quiet and smiled back.

"Anyway, we should get going while the sun is still out, you know how wolves get when it gets dark," she started walking with her large scythe perched on her shoulder as she walked. Calvin was still not used to seeing her hold her scythe, it was heavier than a broadsword and larger than one, he could only imagine how much strength she has to even carry that thing around and manage to swing it around like it was nothing.

Back in their travels at some point, he got curious about the scythe. So when Ruby wasn't looking he secretly tried lifting it. Later that day he had a sore back and their travels were postponed. It was noted that Calvin made a mental promise to never lift her scythe ever again to himself.

As they were walking, Calvin who was the one with a map, looked at the compass in hand while the sun slowly plunged in the horizon. They were currently at the foot of a mountain range and they had to cross this to get to where they want to go.

A path was laid leading around the mountain range, it was the safest route to take but crossing it would take two months on foot, it was without considering the breaks they would take in between. Not only would it take them a long time but by the time they reach their destination the horde might not be there anymore.

"We could follow the road and be safe but it'll take us a couple of months or so to reach the other side," looking from his map, Calvin looked at Ruby's face, searching for her opinion on the matter, "Well?"

Pursing her lips and crossing her arms on her bosom, Ruby placed a finger under her chin in deep thought, she gave it some amount of consideration. After a while, she faced him with her head shaking, a wry smile directed at Calvin as she awkwardly said, "Whatever you think will get us there the fastest, that's what I think hehe..."

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