Chapter 7

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Hah, I barely updated 16 hours ago and I'm back, remember that time you showed me love and affection? Well I'm here to stay now. So previously Deku and Shoto had a little bit of 'Play time', The result will be shown here. Thanks for the support!!!

A month later 

Deku and Todoroki had been booked in with a hospital to see where anything could go wrong. After the couple had been discharged from the hospital, Todoroki got an acceptance letter from UA. He had never smiled so hard, because this meant that he could be around his adorable little boyfriend. He was surprised he got accepted, and people around him were cautious, after all he could still be acting on a villains words. Bakugo was being even nastier to him than he was to everybody else, but he seemed to be getting nicer to Deku. 

Deku had been going back to school for 2 weeks now, and he had felt that Bakugo was being a lot kinder. He also started having stomach pains and this weird sickness in the morning every other day. Mina, Hagakure and Uraraka all giggled and got giddy when he mentioned this to them. They explained this was normal in pregnancies, and asked Deku if he had been knocked up (if ya get me). "U-uhhhhhhh.... Y-yeah i h-have." Deku replied anxiously. All of the girls started giggling and jumping around. "Hey Deku who by! Who by!! If its that new kid then I am soooooo Jealous." All Deku could do was smile and nod gently. Todoroki came up to him, lifted his chin, and kissed him passionately. "Midoriya, wanna be on my team for our next task..?" Todoroki asked with a seductive voice. The girls just started giggling even more. "S-sure Babe! It's you, why wouldn't I?" The girls went off and told everybody else, and Kirishima walked up to Deku. "You were in a kidnapping, and you managed to Get a boyfriend?!?! THATS SO MANLY DEKU-BRO!!!!" 

Bakugo was watching the whole thing, turning red and nearly crying. He stormed out of class, ran to the toilet, and locked himself in. He started putting his hand on his wrist, and exploding, he yelled out in agony and started crying at the thought of Deku being with Icy Hot. He wanted to kill the bastard. To cause him so much pain. He wanted Deku for himself. But he knew he wasn't good enough. So to stop Deku from getting hurt by him... he ended up treating him like shit, hoping that he wouldn't keep following somebody so horrible. He messaged Deku: "D-Deku.. I.. ever since we were young.. I admired you. I loved you. You were strong, even without a dumb quirk. Would you mind... Sharing your love for Icy-Hot.. with me...? I love you Deku... You're amazing. Be mine... I'm sorry I acted like that... Telling you to kill yourself.. I'm sorry... I understand if you resent me." And pressed send. Two seconds later Deku responded "Katsuki, I love you too. I'll need to tell Todo-Kun but yes. I will share my love with you. My handsome King." And then Deku came running in, after kicking the door open with One for All. Damn he was hot. "K-Katsuki-Kun... Show me your arms... please.." Deku asked in a worrying tone. Bakugo oblige, only because it was his boyfriend, who stuck by him throughout everything. "S-sorry Deku... I felt horrible.. I'd been trying to get your attention ever since that day I knew what love was. And then your other boyfriend..  the one who knocked you up, Just whisked you away... I felt i needed to do this. I'm sorry." Deku listened, after picking Bakugo up bridal style and running him to Recovery girl.

Todoroki had secretly been hoping to have a three way relationship with Bakugo and Deku. He knew that Bakugo was a natural Dom, and so was he, they could have fun with Deku. He watches as Bakugo sent the message to Deku, and saw Deku's response. And then saw him run out, One for All activated, and then he watched him kick the toilet door in. He thought just to keep his appearance up, he would have to fight Bakugo. Part of him wanted to seriously hurt him. But he knew the pain and anger Bakugo must be feeling. He would only use his left side. Help Bakugo win. "Bakugo," Shoto messaged Katsuki "We need to fight. I know Midoriya loves you. It's a better way for us to keep our reputations up. Plus we can make terms of the fight. If i lose, you can Join Midoriya and I's relationship. Honestly i want you to. Lets meet at the field after school." Todoroki then sent everybody else the invite to watch the fight, even the teachers. 

After school

Tch, The nerve of the Icy-hot bastard. Bakugo knew that they needed to keep up their appearances so this was the best way of doing it. But inviting all of the teachers? That's Crazy. Mineta the pervert was just there watching Midnight, every move she made he watched and drooled at. After a long and intense session of training he was ready. He didn't  know what Todoroki could fully do yet, so he had to play offensive to get it over with quickly. He would fight as if he were fighting All Might. That's how badly he wanted Deku. 

Bakugo started off with a smoke grenade move, to blind Todoroki, but Todoroki had thought of the same Idea, and had created steam all around to blind Bakugo. Acting on pure instinct alone, he blasted a jet of explosions, one of which hit Todoroki square on. He thought he had won. So He started getting cocky, He got hard at the thought of sleeping with Deku. Even more reason for him to try his hardest. He had let Deku down for the last time. He used his explosions to propel him left and right, dodging any Ice attacks that Todoroki sent his way, and finished the fight by exploding Todoroki in his stomach, not doing any fatal or permanent damage, just enough to leave a pain for a day.

Todoroki lay there, beat. He knew Bakugo was strong but this fight seemed different. It seemed as if he was driven, by the thought of Dating Midoriya. He smiled to himself quietly while Deku ran to him, Hugged him and kissed him, while Recovery girl was running over to heal Todoroki. 

Deku was the happiest he had ever been. When out of the corner of his eye he thought he saw a face that looked similar to his, with hair like his, just running down to their back. He remembered the figure to be his mother, and called out. But nobody was there. What was happening..? He would tell Bakugo and Todoroki later. He wanted to sleep with both of his boyfriends. But most of all, he wanted to see them smiling all together.  Being Happy, to make food for his Alpha's, and to be praised by them... He wanted that most. 

The next day....

*A group of villains have attacked what looks like a hero agency, made by the New hero Dabi Todoroki. He managed to get out unhurt, but his Agency will take a while to be rebuilt.*

Todoroki watched that news horrified. His brother's agency had been burned down. He knew it wasn't Dabi, because his flames were blue. These flames were Purple. Purple and green. He knew that green flames only happened when plasma was involved and that the purple flames were a result of negative energy. Only one person could have had that amount of negative energy. His father or.... All for... All for one.. 

Cliffhangerrrrrrrr, thanks for reading, you guys are the best. I hope you like my new style of writing! I like adding more details so give me ideas!!!!

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