Chapter 1

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8:18 AM - Cindy

The first thing that Cindy thought of her new school was is this it?

Seiyon Private University advertised themselves as a private university that delivers excellence and excellence only. The students posing on their posters were smiling widely and holding up two thumbs up. The pictures of the university showed that it had big space; perfect for people who want to be left alone.

It also seemed to show a bias around the STEM and the sports department. Though, part of their description says that they welcome all students with different interests. They offer creative strands such as art, music, and theatre. Humanities and accountancy, not so much.

All of that was enough to convince all four of her brothers to enroll her to the school. It almost convinced her too. She foolishly got a little excited when her new *school uniform arrived in the mail and found that it fit her just right.

But now, sitting in her homeroom (Class 4-B) with only a few people, Cindy felt a little underwhelmed. Maybe it was because she came to the school early, but she doubted that. Even her new classmates in her homeroom were disinterested.

Cindy sighed, resting her elbow on the desk and then resting her chin on her palm. She should've known that her new school was just like all the previous schools she went to. The grey walls and the university's black and white uniform was a huge hint already.

The bell rang and one of her classmates got startled awake. He looked around the classroom with bleary eyes before sighing and going back to resting his head on his desk.

Cindy tried to restrain a laugh and it came out as a smile instead. If she was going to be a nobody in this boring little university, she could at least entertain herself with her classmates' weird shenanigans.

Class 4-B was slowly filling up with Cindy's other classmates. Some of them came in groups and some came in alone. They all seemed to know each other and were friendly with one another. Now homeroom was lively and loud, with students joking and gossiping. And yet nobody noticed Cindy sitting in the back of the room.

Cindy was glad that she didn't draw attention to herself. She was used to being stared at in public, but it's still uncomfortable. Maybe SPU won't be so bad...

"Alright everybody, settle down! Sit down!" a loud female voice echoes throughout the room. The others scrambled to get seated down next to their friends while others sat on the seats that were available. Cindy instinctively sits up straight as a girl with platinum blonde hair sits to the seat on her left. She awkwardly smiles at the stranger, who thankfully returned it.

The homeroom teacher writes on the whiteboard in front in big bold letters—MRS. RACHEL PARK. She then turns to the class and fixes the horned-rimmed that was perched on her nose. "Good morning, everybody! Welcome to a new school year here in Seiyon Private University."

The class suddenly erupts into applause and cheers, startling Cindy at the volume. She hesitantly begins to clap along her classmates—that was unexpected. Mrs. Park gestures the glass to quiet down and the clapping instantly stops. 

"Alright - it seems like most of you are pretty much the same faces from the last school year. So welcome back, everybody!" Mrs. Park says, her sharp, narrowed eyes navigating the room as she talks. Her eyes landed on the girl beside Cindy, then she looks to Cindy as well.

"We have two new students here with us. Come on up, you two." Mrs. Park says and gestures them to the front.

Everybody instantly turns their heads to the back where the two were sitting. Some of the girls began whispering to each other with wide eyes, but Cindy doesn't know if it's directed at her or to the other girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2021 ⏰

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