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Treasure members were currently deciding upon the new dorm members. Hyunsuk and jihoon were told to divide into 3 groups as they were going to have three separate dorms.

Hyunsuk divided the members and everyone agreed with him.
Dorm 1: Hyunsuk, Yoshi, Junkyu, Haruto
Dorm 2: Jaehyuk, Aashi, Yedam, Junghwan
Dorm 3: Jihoon, Mashiho, Doyoung, Jeongwoo
[ They were going to share 1 room among two members]

That evening everyone paked their bags as they were going to the new dorm the next day. Doyoung was particularly very happy about the new dorm arrangements. Knowing Mashiho for so long he always wanted to be in a same dorm as mashiho as they had many things in common. He thought.

Currently doyoung and mashiho were at doyoung's house as they had some of their belongings there. After having a family dinner they went to their own rooms to pack their stuffs. Mashiho was using the guest room.

After finishing packing everything up Mashiho went to the kitchen and drank some water. He wanted to get some fresh air on the rooftop but he got distracted by a sulking doyoung whom he couldn't ignore. Doyoung had his door slightly opened so mashiho pushed it further to see clothes lying on the floor.

"What's wrong doyoungie?" Mashiho spoke gaining doyoung's attention.

"Hyung, my clothes won't fit in the bag" doyoung said in a sad frustrated tone.

"Let me help you. You know you don't have to cry over some clothes right?" Mashiho said letting out a little chuckle.

"I'm obviously not crying hyung" doyoung added in a cute angry tone.

Mashiho just giggled over doyoung's cuteness and started folding the clothes. Doyoung just curiously stared at Mashiho.
Finally after about 10 minutes doyoung's bag was completely packed. Doyoung's lips finally formed a smile and he jumped out of the chair he was sitting to hug his hyung.

"Thank you hyung, you're a life saviour"doyoung said.
"Aigoo, finally you are smiling. You were worried for nothing" Mashiho said rubbing doyoung's back still not breaking the hug.

They stayed in that position for good amount of time not wanting to let go each other as they felt comfortable and calm in eachothers arms.

"Hyung, you know I'm so happy that i will be your dormmate" doyoung said.

Mashiho felt his cheeks go red by the younger's sudden confession. Mashiho was always occupied by jihoon and junkyu so he never had chance to act as a hyung to doyoung. Mashiho also wanted to care for doyoung like hyunsuk but never actually had a chance . He was really relieved to be together with doyoung now.
Mashiho broke the hug and gave a peck on doyoung's forehead "Now sleep" he said smiling. Doyoung flashed the cutest smile at him and nodded.

Mashiho felt his heart skip a beat. He returned to his room shocked by how randomly he kissed doyoung. But his smile only grew bigger remembering his interaction with doyoung.

On the other side doyoung was all flustered and went to bed with the biggest smile.


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