Beautiful morning๑*

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Mashiho did not think twice before getting down the stairs and sitting in front of doyoung caressing his cheeks.

Doyoung could barely open his eyes but flashed a big smile at the touch of mashiho.

"Doyounga don't worry I'll sleep with you tonight." Mashiho said cupping doyoung's half asleep face.

He laid doyoung down covered him with the blanket and did the same to himself.
Doyoung hugged mashiho burying his face on mashiho's chest.

Mashiho hugged doyoung back and kept his chin on doyoung's head. He felt warm not because of the blanket over his body but the younger's presence.

He felt comfortable and relaxed as if all his worries were being washed away.
Everything felt right and blissful.

They both fell asleep with each other in their arms.

Mashiho woke up as the sunlight fell on his face but right in front of his eyes was doyoung who was brighter and warmer than the sun.

Doyoung's lips and cheeks were all puffed which made his face look more cuter mostly like of a little child.

Mashiho had a hard time stopping himself from kissing doyoung's swollen plump lips.

Mashiho just stared at doyoung's face looking at every little details on his face. His long lashes looked more prettier now that his face was slightly swollen. His little nose was just so adorable.

It was fascinating how doyoung's asleep face could keep mashiho engaged for so long. Suddenly he saw doyoung opening his eyes.

"Good morning doyounga" mashiho softly whispered with his morning husky voice [🤭].

Doyoung smiled at mashiho. Doyoung buried his face in mashiho's chest as he felt his face burning.

This was a completely new feeling which unknowingly made him happy from within. He felt his heart beat faster and a weird sensation on his stomach.

Mashiho could clearly see doyoung's cheeks turn red. He just hugged doyoung more tightly.

"Is your head okay?" Mashiho softly spoke.

Just then doyoung realized a sharp pain which he could not before as he was already occupied with his heart doing a 360° flip.

"It's paining a little hyung" doyoung honestly said making a pout.

Mashiho broke the hug and quickly got up. He knew the little one must be not feeling well after gulping a good amount of soju for the first time when he could not even drink some herbal tea.

"I'll make you something to eat until then you rest a little more" Mashiho said patting doyoung's head.

Doyoung nodded with a smile.

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