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"No...NO!" She screamed as she ran onto the Thunderpath, wet and soggy from the rain. "Why did you do this?" She said in between sobs. "You don't always have to be the hero!" She looked across to the other side of the Thunderpath, and could see ferns swishing as the intruders vanished on the RiverClan boarder. "We need to get you out of here. Come on, you'll be okay... Come on, get up! Your going to be okay! We just need to get you to Emberfoot!" "I...can't-" he started to choke up blood. "Please! You need to be okay! I... I need you!" "Leafcloud... You need to-" "NO!" She screamed. "I won't leave you here to die!" "" he choked up blood again. "I'm going to get you out of here. Mudwing and Finchleap went to get Emberfoot. Your going to be okay. Alright? Don't give up yet!" "I...can't...move...I'm stuck...I think I-" he coughed some more. "Hang in there. This is going to hurt." She grabbed his russet scruff with her teeth and started to pull him gently toward the curb. "Ahh-esh!" He clenched his jaw in pain as he was dragged across the Thunderpath. As they made it to the grass, pounding foot steps were nearing. "I hear them! Oakflight, your going to be okay!" "We're so sorry we took so long!" A she-cat said as she neared with a tom and another she-cat close behind. "Oh my, he's losing blood quickly". "Emberfoot, can you save him?" Leafcloud asked pleadingly. "I can definitely try. Finchleap, I need you to find as many dry cobwebs as you can find!" "I'm on it!" She yelled over shoulder as she raced off. "Mudwing, can you see if you can find marigold around here?" "I can try" he said, and dashed off. "What do yo want me to do?" Leafcloud asked as she looked anxiously at the wound on Oakfight's hind leg. "I need you to do the most important role: comfort him. Make him feel safe and secure". "Alright". She padded over to were his head laid on a soggy pile of moss. "Can you hear me?" She said while a tear came down her cheek. "Yes, I feel a little-" *cough* "better now". Is there anything I can do?" "Just...stay here". "Okay". She laid down next to him and nuzzled into his chest fur. "I'm not hurting you am I?" "No, your fine, and I'll be fine soon." He smiled. "You know, I wasn't just trying to be a hero. I didn't want you to get hurt; your carrying out kits". "Their not due for another three moons". "I still don't want you getting hurt, not like I-" he coughed some more. "You should stop talking, it'll only make you more exhausted", she insisted. "But, can you promise me that after this, you won't do warrior duties anymore and stay in the nursery?" "*sigh* fine. Just rest for now, okay?" He licked her head affectionately. "Okay."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2015 ⏰

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