Chapter 16 (From 14)

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~Time Skip brought to you by Aizawas fuck up~

I woke up screaming again. Every night I have the same nightmare repeat itself. From when I was a first year in UA. It's like my whole time there was so small, and insignificant that it can fit into 8 hours every night. I sat up, and grabbed my water bottle from the nightstand and chugged it.

"Life is a little more on the dull side now I guess." I hear about Aizawa on the news every now and then he's still with the league but apparently he tries to stay out of things. I'm not sure, but it makes me sad when I think about how I haven't seen him since that day he became a villain to save me. Maybe I was too harsh on him? Yeah. I was definitely too harsh. The more I think about it the more I realise how stupid and unreasonable I was. He did it to save me. He didn't want to hurt me. Maybe. Just maybe I could find him, and apologize. I know that might not do anything now, but I just want to see him again. If I was still in school I'd be in my 2nd year, but when UA expelled me for 'cheating on a test' no other school wanted me. So I got a job at a small corner store. It's not a good amount of money, but it's a steady income. Enough for me to live off. I struggled to find a job that would accept me, you know being kicked out of high school and all.

~Tiny Time Skip to later that night after your work shift~

As I walked down the street I heard some commotion coming from an alleyway to my left. This wasn't so uncommon nowadays, but I didn't like to turn a blind eye, when there's a fight, and possibly a villain. I turned my body around, and slowly walked into the dark alleyway.

"No. Please don't! I didn't kill her on purpose it was an accident I swear!" After hearing this I decided it was just a situation that either the police or a pro hero was handling but then I heard this:

"Shut it. How can you stab a woman 13 times on accident huh?"

"W-what gives you the right to judge h-huh? You're a villain so let me go Eraserhead."

Eraserhead. Shota Aizawa. It's him. I can't lose him this time. I have to own up to the fact I was a total idiot, and apologize. I continued walking until I saw two people. One pinned up against a wall, and the other was obviously holding him there. As I got even closer I could see a body laid upon the concrete with a pool of blood surrounding it. That must be the woman he killed.

"E-Eraserhead?" I questioned as I got closer. I heard a sigh, as he punched the other guy out cold, and started towards me.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" He sounded so. Depressed. Empty. Nothing like he used to. It made me feel so guilty for what I said. I didn't even let him explain. All over a stupid promise. When I made him promise me I knew it would be broken sooner than later, but I was just so shocked.

"I'm sorry Aizawa. I didn't mean to be so stupid, and I didn't even let you explain. I'm sorry." As I began saying this tears formed in my eyes, and my voice cracked. I don't know why but the guilt just hit harder now I was actually talking to him.

"L/n?" He questioned with a bit more emotion in his voice.

"Y-yeah it's me. I-" I was cut off by him suddenly hugging me. It was really unexpected. I'm still mad at him, but I'm mad at myself too. I got caught up in the moment.

"I'm sorry but. I did what I did, and now we have to move on. Things change. There's nothing to it." He released me after whispering that to me. I didn't know what I expected. But I knew I didn't expect this.

"It's fine. I've felt an incredible amount of guilt every day since then. For gods sake I have nightmares about it more often than when I had them about my childhood Aizawa! But. I still have a feeling of betrayal, and I'm scared that feeling will last until I hit my time limit. I'm still living in the same house, because I can't afford to move out. I work part time at a corner store, to try and feed myself. I can't go to school, because none of them want me there, and I can't get a better job because I was expelled, and I don't go to school anymore. I'm honestly questioning whose life was ruined by this. My empathy, and love for you tells me your life was ruined, and it's my fault, but my head tells me you're living pretty comfortably, and my life is a living hell! I'm near my time limit, and I obviously don't have a kid to pass my quirk onto so I'm going to fade next year. I always knew I wouldn't have a kid at 17, but I just thought I could live a life I wouldn't regret until then, but obviously I was mistaken."

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