Chapter 1 - Do all study sessions have this much romantic tension?

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• kyouka's pov •

I jumped out of my skin as my phone buzzed against my hip. Returning from my daydream, I opened the message and realised the message was from Yao-Momo. My face lit up at the thought of my classmate - however I quickly stifled the emotion. After all, Momo was straight, and I was just a dumb lesbian pining after someone I could never have.

The message was to our class group, asking if anyone wanted to come over to Yao-Momo's to study. I was one of the first to volunteer, and less than an hour later, I'd gotten changed and started on the short distance to her house. Although we only lived a 10 minute walk away from each other, the difference between our living conditions were immense. Compared to the dingy, plain suburbs where my family resided, Yao-Momo's house seemed like a palace. And I suppose it was, really.

The cast-iron gate towered above me, and I buzzed in, not even needing to explain myself as Momo's sweet voice flooded out of the speaker.
"Kyouka! You're the only one here so far, come in!" I chuckled at her enthusiastic tone. Yao-Momo had a passion for studying that I simply couldn't understand; still, hearing her get all excited was worth the work. I was knocked away from my thoughts as the sound of footsteps ran out to greet me, and I nearly fell over as I was lifted off my feet.

"Alright Momo, I know I'm short but you don't have to make a point of it every time." Dropping me to the ground, she looked away sheepishly and blushed. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.." God, she was gorgeous when she got embarrassed. "Heyy, I was joking Lollipop Legs, don't worry," I said with a grin. Momo's eyes met mine, and I latched onto her arm, wandering inside.

The mansion was lavishly decorated, and I gawked at the extravagance of it all, even though I had seen it all before. This girl truly lived in paradise, though she shockingly seemed to not realise this herself. Then again, she also hadn't realised the fact that I had a massive crush on her. You know what, maybe oblivious is how I prefer it.

We had been inside for barely two minutes when another person buzzed in at the gate. Or, should I say, people. Denki, Mina, Tooru and Sero all sauntered up the driveway, greeting us with the noise and excitement that always seemed to follow those four. I felt a slight disappointment at not having Yao-Momo all to myself, even if I hadn't expected it to just be us.

Speaking of romance, I noticed how Tooru had requested to come moments after Mina had. As for Denki and Sero... well, I had my suspicions about many of our classmates. Admittedly, I wasn't as obsessive as Todoroki. That boy seems to think everyone is up to something behind his back. He even thought All Might and Izuku were related? Ahh, who knows what happens in his mind.

The evening progressed, and though I did my best to pay attention, I couldn't help but get lost in the sound of Momo's voice. She sounded so happy talking about her studies, and Yao-Momo being happy meant I was happy. God, I was head over heels for this woman. Why can't I at least like someone who I have a chance with one of these days? Crushes on straight girls are the worst, as you know there is nothing you can do. Well, at least I get to spend time with her, if nothing more.

"Um, Kyouka? Are you alright?"

• momo's pov •

At the sound of my words, she jolted upright.
"Y-Yes of course! Did something happen?" I couldn't help but adore the pink that appeared on her cheeks. Kyouka doesn't get embarrassed often, but when she does, it is absolutely adorable. I spoke again, "Well, I asked you a question, but you were just staring into space."
"Sorry, I just- I just got lost in my own head." She looked away, and as we broke eye-contact, I crashed right back to reality. After all, Kyouka was straight, and I was just a dumb lesbian pining after someone I could never have.

"Right, well, let's get back to it, shall we?" I said, eager to drag the my thoughts away from romance, and back to my studies. I suppose working was almost like therapy to me. Maths equations didn't have complex emotions to deal with, and textbooks didn't have a million and one ways to break your own heart. I found comfort in the simple text, numbers and letters filling all the empty spaces in my brain. Because when I left those spaces empty, my mind always returned to her; and that wasn't an option.

The night moved quickly, and soon it was time to see everyone off. They trailed out, one by one, until it was just me and Kyouka again. I looked down at her. The evening light cast over the grounds, leaving a golden glow upon everything it touched, and the girl in front of me was no exception. She looked like an angel, shining with the pure beauty of stars.

"I- Um- When are you planning on leaving?" I asked briskly.
"You really want to be rid of me that easily, huh?"
My breath caught in my throat, and I felt my ears heat up. "No- I-I mean- What I meant was-"
I was cut off by Kyouka's finger on my lips. She chuckled, causing my cheeks to go an even deeper shade of crimson. "You are so easy to get flustered, buttercup." She laughed again, "I'm just messing with you. I suppose I can leave whenever really, my house isn't far."
She lifted her hand away from my face, and I felt my heart rate slow back to a more normal pace. God, why did she have to use all those pet names? I get butterflies every time.

Kyouka's phone buzzed in her pocket. "Give me a sec," she mouthed. I heard her talking to her mother, and her sounds of indignation. "But-"
Kyouka sighed, and from what I could gather, she'd been hung up on. "My mum wants me back before sunset." I glanced outside. "But the sun is setting now!" She nodded. "Yup.... well, I guess I'll see you later then?" I smiled, and nodded, then before I knew it, she was sprinting down the driveway.

I traipsed up to my bedroom, and flopped down on my bed. Why Kyouka, of all people. She was my best friend, and of course I would have to go and ruin that. Why couldn't I just be normal? I flipped over, and buried my face in my pillow, as a notification popped up on my phone screen.

Message from "❤️Kyouka❤️":
                goodnight gorgeous :)

I let out a small squeak, before replying with a quick "Goodnight!". Rolling across my wide expanse of a bed, I fell asleep to the thought of Kyouka's eyes. Holy shit, I'm really gay.

um, hi!
this is my first story on here, but i hope you enjoy reading it as much as i enjoy writing it :) have a good day!

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