Chapter 9 - Come back?

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• kyouka's pov •
I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. The image flashed before me in a flurrying haze of colours and sounds, blurring my vision as my eyes began to water. Yao-Momo.. Todoroki.. and me, there to witness it. I should never have kissed her. She was straight, and I was stupid, and this was all so, so wrong.

The doctor, who I now knew was called Akaashi-Sensei, rushed into my room as the monitors began to bleep. My heart rate rose, my breathing sped up, caused by this overload of sound and emotions. It was too much. It was all too much.

I woke to Akaashi-Sensei standing beside me, fidgeting with the electronics above my bed. Morning light streamed in through the window.
"Ah, you're awake! Gave me quite a scare there, what happened?"
My mouth opened, then closed. I couldn't tell her what I had seen.
"I.. I was just shocked by something."
The doctor registered my resistance, and didn't press further.
"Well, assuming nothing else shocks you, you should be free to head home later today if you'd like."
Oh, thank god. This place was too bright, too loud, too overwhelming. I longed for my bedroom at home, and I was finally getting a chance to return to it.
"Now, I'll call your parents to let them know, and leave you to have your own time.. but! No more shocks." The woman smiled at me, and I forced a smile back, however difficult it was.

Now she was gone, I truly had time to process what had happened. Momo had- Todoroki had- no, I didn't want to see it anymore. I knew I shouldn't have kissed her, knew that I'd never be good enough for the perfect girl. She deserved Todoroki. After all, he was powerful, smart, hard-working: everything that she wanted. Everything that I wasn't. I wasn't enough for her, I never had been. The two of them would make a wonderful couple. I'm sure the class would love another pairing to gush over, and they were truly a picture perfect relationship. Yet, still, knowing all of this didn't ease the pain in my heart. Why was this never easy? School, friendships, romance? Why couldn't it all work out.

In my heart of hearts, I knew the answer;

I didn't deserve a happy ending.

• momo's pov •

Days passed like the ticking of a clock. Everything felt so tedious, as if time was moving forwards around me and I was just stuck, stuck in this never-ending loop of worry and hurt. Kyouka hadn't replied to any of my messages for over a week - but she couldn't avoid me for much longer. After all, school was fast approaching, and we would soon be returning to classes; and therefore moving into our dormitories. Then, then I would be able to explain. I'd be able to talk to her.

The first day of the autumn term had finally arrived. It was what I had been thinking about since the incident at the hospital, and I had been anxiously preparing for the moment I stepped onto the UA grounds. Looking around for Kyouka, I was stopped in my tracks.
"Yaoyorozu. I would like to talk to you."
Todoroki. This wasn't something I wanted to deal with right now. However, it couldn't be avoided.
"Please, go ahead."
The boy sighed. "I wanted to apologise for what happened a couple weeks ago, and explain my reasons. I.. I should have asked, I shouldn't have kissed you, and I'm very sorry." He paused. "I'm sure you know my father. He can be very.. pressuring, I suppose, and he.. he has been attempting to force me into dating you, as it would be an 'appropriate' partnership for me to be in. I want you to know that my actions were entirely influenced by him, and I hope you harbour no hard feelings towards me."
He bowed his head, and the pieces clicked into place in my head. Todoroki didn't like me. He just felt like he had to.
I finally spoke, "I completely understand. Thank you for this, I really do appreciate it."
He looked up, and I smiled. However, the look on his face was concerned, as he looked behind me. Spinning around, I spotted Kyouka, and the cogs began to turn.
"It was great talking, Todoroki, however I have to go now." I made a beeline to see the purple-haired girl, but she was already walking away, head down, moving faster as I approached.


A/N: can we acknowledge that my entire plan for this chapter was "idk shit happens and everyone is sad" fjksjdjsk
to be fair, i think it's pretty accurate.

also, my apologies that this chapter isn't that good, i needed to explain some stuff and i didn't want to drag it out too much, but i promise the next chapter will be good, it's already mostly written and i think you guys will enjoy it :)

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