Recovery Begins

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The next week was a blur for Carina, she decided to keep her shift for the week, because Maya was still recovering in the hospital. So she could frequently visit her on her breaks. When she got off work, she would go to Maya's room and spend the evening with her. It gave them a chance to talk and be open and honest with one another. Carina was getting tired of eating so much of the hospital food, she missed cooking in her own kitchen. As visiting hours came to a close, it was time for Carina to go home, she kissed Maya's forehead and said goodbye. As she was walking out she saw Owen heading to her room. 

C:" Owen, hey. How is she doing overall?"

O:" Well we did some x-rays 'yesterday and her body seems to be recovering nicely. I'm thinking she can be discharged tomorrow, have you talked with Dr. Bailey about making your schedule work?"

C: "Yeah, we have been able to figure something out. I'll have the next two weeks off. If Maya settles in easily, I might come back to work earlier. We are just gonna have to see how she does."

O:" Good, I'll sign the discharge papers for her tomorrow. I'd just try to keep her off her feet for at least the next 3 days. That will ensure that her body has had time to fully heal from the surgery."

C:" Okay, thank you Owen"

She drives home, and pours herself a glass of wine to help her relax.  She changes out of her scrubs and collapses onto the couch. She tries to find something on TV to enjoy, but when nothing good was on she decided to start packing her bag. She planned to stay at Maya's for the time being, there's still the extra bedroom available. When Carina could barely hold her eyes open any longer, she brushed her teeth and then climbed into bed. Her muscles appreciated the break, she soon drifted off into sleep.

Maya's POV:

Maya was going crazy in her hospital bed. She had been confined to her bed for an entire week and she felt like she was going crazy. She tried to sweetly convince a couple of the nurses by flashing her charming smile. There was one nurse, her name was Abby, that she was so close to letting her try a walker but she chickened out last minute. Maya despised her for that for a while. It was nice to be able to have the time with Carina in the evenings. Maya always looked forward to it. She would save her fruit cups from lunch because they were Carina's favorite, especially the mandarine oranges. She never understood that, the juice was always way too sweet for Maya. She always felt so unworthy of Carina's time and care. She marvelled at the gorgeous Italian woman and her ability to put aside any of her personal grudges to help take care of Maya. She would write letters to have the nurses deliver to Carina throughout the day. The penmanship of the letters was not the greatest because Maya was not left handed. It was hard for her to write with her right arm being injured and sore still. The time dragged on but she overheard that she was gonna be discharged the next day. 

Maya started to question who was going to take care of her, she didn't have any family to call. Andy is busy being interim captain. She came to the conclusion that she would just be fine on her own and wouldn't need any help. As long as she took it easy and listened to her body, everything would be fine. The next day finally came, after a long night of tossing and turning on the uncomfortable bed Maya was ready to go home. Maya knew from talking to Carina that discharges usually happen around noon. Today was Carina's day off and Maya as really missing her. The clock couldn't move any slower, it was about 11:30am and the anticipation was killing her. She busied herself with a book, but she overheard the sweet voice laced with the accent she had grown to love down the hallway. Maya sat up, excited to see her favorite person. She saw her through the window into the hallway as she walked up. Her heart started beating faster. She couldn't help but smile as she got to look into her big brown eyes. 

M:" Carina? What are you doing here? It's you day off!"

C:" You're getting discharged, what do you think I'm doing here?"

M:"You're taking me home?"

C:" Yeah of course I am. Are you ready to go?"

M: " I have been ready since last week to go home Carina."

C:" I'll go get the paperwork for you to sign, I'll be right back."

She walks out, there's a small remnant of smell  from her perfume that Maya picks up on. Maya pulls out her phone and texts Andy letting her know that Carina is going to take her home from the hospital and that everything will be okay. After a few minutes, Carina reappears with a packet of paper. 

C:" Just sign all the highlighted yellow slots, and then we can go. I know you aren't left handed, so just try your best bella."

M:" Okay. Carina?"

C:" Yes Maya"

M:" Thank you for everything you are doing for me. I will never forget it"

C:"Of course, now hurry and sign the papers colpo lento, I'm starving"

Maya smiles and tries her best to sign in all the correct spots. After signing the last page, she lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding. 

M:" Okay, all finished"

C:" I'll run these to the doctor and we can be on our way."

Once she returns, the nurses were already with a wheelchair for Maya to ride out on. After slow and careful movements, she made it safely into the chair. Carina grabbed Maya's bag of stuff and began slowly wheeling her down the hallway. Lots of doctors turned their heads to smile at Maya as she was headed out, thanking her for her service to the city. She always thought what they did at the hospital was way important, but it made her feel better. Carina's car was waiting for them as thy exited the large building. Luckily Maya had taken some pain medication in the morning, so there weren't many issues loading her into the car. Carina folded up the wheelchair and placed it, along with Maya's bag in the backseat of her car. Climbing in the drivers seat, she turns the car on and turns to Maya.

C:"Are you ready for this Maya?"

M:" Absolutely. Take me home please Carina."

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