It's Yuki's third week in Noslan Academy. Yuki choose this school because she really likes dark academia.
One day, she was studying in the large library. She was grabbing a book from the shelf when she heard a click. She fell trough the ground. Yu...
After we practice some more, Arie brought me to a different room. When we entered we saw the King sitting in the corner, with normal hair this time. "We are going to choose your own sword now" The King said. "I'm surprised you get your own so quickly" A other man said. I looked behind me to see who's voice it was. "You are a quick learner" The man said. "Gabriel-" "He is here to choose" Arie said. "Yep, I can see kinda trough people and whats best for them" Gabriel said. "Alright, what sword is good for me Gab" I said looking at him. I heard Arie giggling. I looked at her "Is.. there something?" I asked confused. "O- no nothing" She said quick "Okay...." I said turning to Gabriel again.
"Arlight, close your eyes" Gabriel said, stroking his long blonde hair to the back. I closed my eyes. I felt strong energie surrounding me. My short hair went backwards. It felt as if I was on a high mountain. I saw a beautiful scenery. I was standing on the edge of a mountain. I felt free. But suddenly I fell down and opened my eyes fast. I was in the room again. I saw Gabriel grabbing something. The King and Arie were still waiting. It felt so real- "I found the perfect sword for you, Miss. Yuki" Gabriel said. He gave me this beautiful sword:
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"Wow.." I was amazed. It's so beautiful. "Can I see can I see can I see" Arie said exited. I nodded and gave her my sword. "Woow" She said. I also showed the king. "That's a unice sword you got there miss Yuki" He said nodding. "Thank you- Can I try fighting with it?" I asked. "Ofcourse"The king said.
We went back and Arie also got her sword. "You ready?" She said as she stood in the fighting position. I nodded "Wait- what if one of us get injured?" I asked quick. "Than we need to bring you to the nurse, but you need to stop before you stab eachother" Gabriel said. I nodded "Okay" I looked at the king who was yawning. I smiled and started to attack.
It went really smooth, she attacked and I blocked and then I attacked and she blocked. Gabriel signed to stop. "Okay, were hungry, let's eat dinner" Gabriel said. "hmmmmmm okay.." We walked out the swords room. Suddenly we heard a bang on the window and a scream of the King. I looked confuzed at Arie and Gabriel who were laughing. "Your Highness, It was just a piggeon!" Gabriel said. The King was embarressed. It was kinda cut- nope, non of that shat now... "Piggeons are scary, okay? now let's go" The king said. Hmm he isn't very royal like.. I tought.
We sat down at the big table in the main room. "You want the same food as last week, Your Highness?" The butler said. The king nodded. I looked at the butler.. He looks familiar.. The butler came back a few minutes later with food. He than looks directly at me. He looked at me with a hot dark smirk. I widden my eyes. "YOU!"