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I looked at the familiar person. Everyone looked at me in silence.

The person looked at me in confusion "I?..." He said. Now I was confuzed too.

"Ravn...?" I started to sweat. What if I mistook him for Ravn.. "I think you misto..ok me for a other person, my name is Newt.." 

I stayed silent.. ofcourse.. how would he be here. "I'm Sorry, Newt" 

"It's okay" He softly smiled as he continued putting the plates on the table. I stayed silent for the rest of the day..

The next morning...

I woke up from the sounds of the door. "Miss Yuki?" A maid said. "Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"The king is going on a morning ride on his horse, he wanted you to come along. so get ready. I got your clothes here" 

I stood up and she handed the clothes over to me. It was a white blouse with a corset and special horse riding trouzers with special boots. I got exited to put this on so I closed the door and started changing.

I looked in the mirror. "Holy sh!t... Im so beautiful.." I laughed at myself. first time saying this to myself. Last time those words came out my mouth was when it was valitines ball in school and Leedo looked like a prince. I smiled. I then walked out of my room. 

"The king is waiting for you in the dining hall" The maid said. I nodded "Thank you" 

I entered the dining hall and The king was sitting at the end of the table, as always.

"Ah, you are here. now lets go to our horses" The king said with a smile.

"Alright" I also smiled and followed him to the horses. "Do you know how to ride a horse?" 

O yeah... "Nope, not really" I said looking down at my feet. He smiled. 

"I'll teach you" He said. I looked up and blushed a bit "U-umh okay.. "


He first teached me how to get on the horse.

"Put your left foot on this hand hold this rope with your hands and lift yourself up while swinging your right foot over the back" The kind told me as he stood infront of the horse.

I did as he told me and almost fell. He chuckled "Good job" He said as he clapped his hands. I smiled. 

After he got on he teached me how to turn and how to go faster and slower and all that stuff. I did great so we started riding.

It felt amazing.. the wind went smoothly through my hair, against my face..It felt magical. 

I closed my eyes and enjoyed.

I think the king whas looking at me but I didn't noticed at first.

"Seems you like this a lot" The king said with a chuckle. I opened my eyes and looked at him with a smile. "Yeah" 

Later we arrived at the beach. The king helped me off the horse and we sat down on the sand.

"You know.. I feel comfortable around you.." The king said as he looked at the waves.

"Wha- uhm Why is that.."I said blushing.

"Ah I'm so sorry, that whas to weird- cheesy, I'm sorry" The King said panicing.

I laughed and layed down on the sand. "No no don't worry, it's okay" I smiled and closed my eyes again, but I still noticed that he was shaking and blushing. "It must be hard to be so formal all the time"

"Well.." The king said thinking "Well.... now that I think of it, yes.. it is" He said sighing. He than also layed down.

"Yknow, if you want to be normal than you can come to me I guess" I said chuckling "Even the royal and the great people have other sides right? But they don't have the people that they can trust to show them their other side and I think that it's important to have someone like that- I-I don't mean that I- that you-" I stopped.. I opened my eyes and looked at my side 

"Your Highness..."  I sat up.

"I'm sorry, Yuki" He spoke as he wiped his tears "I did not know that there were words that could hit so softly but still hurt" He sat up and looked at me "Thank you, Yuki, Thank you for coming here.. Thank you for being that person for me" He smiled with tears in his eyes.

"Your highnes-"

"Call me Keonhee" 

"Eh K-Keonhee.." I looked at my hands "It is my pleasure to be that person to you!" I teared up and looked at him.

"Can I hug you- nono nvm" Keonhee looked away, but before he knew, I jumped into his arm and we both fell onto the ground. He was startled at first but than we hugged eachother tight until the sun started to go down. 

We sat against eachother and we looked at the sun.

"I'll be there for you" 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2021 ⏰

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