[Crack fic] Amusement Park Chaos (Magic Trio)

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 Summary: The Magic Trio completely destroys an amusement park

*Human names used*


Orange juice. Everywhere. Spilling all over the counter. The glass is still empty.

"Arthur, how the heck do you mess up orange juice-"

"Would you please shut the hell up Vlad? I'm trying to focus here. It needs to be perfect."

And with a frustrated sigh Arthur paid his attention back to try pouring the orange juice in the glass.

"Can you hurry up, please?" Lukas, who had been sitting here the entire time watching, was getting very annoyed and impatient.

"Shut it"

The trio had their weekly meet-up today to catch up on things. They didn't plan anything else to do. Lukas brought in some homemade orange juice and Arthur insisted on decorating it and serving it as a nice beverage.

"Can we do something else? Please? This is boring! For the past few weeks, we have done barely anything together! What did we do last week?? We sat on the couch looking at cat memes for 5 hours!?" Vladimir practically screamed at the end of his rant. He gritted his teeth together before letting out a deep sigh and dropping his head on the table hopelessly.

Lukas could care less. "What's wrong with cats?"

"Nothing! But for 5 hours? Everything!"

"I'll challenge you for 10 hours"

"Oh my go-"

"Will you two please be quiet! I'm trying so hard to focus on this stupid orange juice to look perfect for you!"

Vladimir stood up from his seat, pointing toward Arthur. "The glass is still empty!!!"

"Well if you had been quiet it would've had something in it by now-"

"Okay. Both of you shut up please. We've been sitting here for nearly two hours. Let's settle on doing something now or I'm leaving"

Everyone was silent. Arthur had put down the jug of orange juice and started to clean up the spilled area. A visible look of disappointment on his face. Vladimir didn't say anything either. He had no idea what to do.

"Well, you guys became quiet. Is there anything you want to do today?"

Still silence.

Lukas sighed and took out his phone. "Look, if there is really nothing you two want to do, here are some things" He started to scroll through his phone. He was getting tired of being the some-what sensible one in the group. "The cafe? Library? Mall? Park?....amusement park?"

The last place grabbed interest in the two as they looked towards Lukas.

Lukas raised an eyebrow and looked at the two. "So...amusement park it is?"

Vladimir was the first one to speak. "Yes! Let's go now"

"I suppose it'll be fun..."

And with that, the trio made their way to the local amusement park.


The trio had arrived at the amusement park at the peak of noon. It was way busier than they had expected. Took them a good 30 minutes to find a parking space.

When they had finally found one, they thought that all was well. However, the day is just going to get worse from there.

Just as the three made their way to the entrance, they were met with a nightmare of a long line.

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