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A manila folder is handed to you. You open the page, a face looks up at you, there is no picture... just a name.

"Your mission: find and kill the Winter Soldier," a gruff voice tells you.

"I can read," you snap back coldly.

"The last time we tasked an assassine with finding him... they failed. There is no information or photographs of him, just a trail of destruction. This time you will find and kill him."

"And why should I another mission from you?"

"Your sister seems to be living an amazing life at the moment... we would hate to kill her. The Winter Soldier is SHIELD's main asset, SHIELD has been meddling in my business lately. You were Hydra's best experiment."

Your jaw clenches tightly, your fist curls into a fist with an iron grip. Hatred simmers lightly in the blood coursing through your veins. "I won't let you down."

"Good. His real identity is unknown so beware everyone you meet. You won't be needing a new identity. You will be moving into an apartment building in Brooklyn until you find him. Good luck Y/L/N."


"No! Natasha! Please! Don't do this!" Clint begs.

"I'm sorry Clint, but I warned you that this would happen," Natasha replies silkily, she lays down her last card, "uno."

Clint whines and cries like a spoilt child, Natasha wins the game and that is that. Bucky is watching the mayhem as Natasha catapults herself at Clint and tackles him to the ground. He sighs heavily, the metal plates of his left arms shifting as he clenches and relaxes his metal hand.

"Mister Barnes, you are needed in the debriefing room for another mission, Director Fury is waiting." JARVIS says through the intercoms. Bucky pushes himself out of the plush and comfortable cushions of the couch reluctantly and makes his way to the debriefing room.

Just as JARVIS said, Director Nicholas J. Fury is seated in a chair at the round table. "It's about time you showed up. Thought JARVIS had short circuited."

"With the way Tony's been tinkering with his systems I wouldn't be suprised. The mission sir?" Bucky says.

Fury hands him a folder, Bucky opens it, eyes scanning the very little information that is available. The information consists mainly of assasinations and dates. No photographs. No name either. This is going to be difficult.

"You need me to kill this person?" He sighs.

"It would be appreciated. As you can see this assassine is extremely good at their job. No name. No photo. He or she is going to need to be eliminated before they strike again."

"How long do I have?"

"Four months. You will be moving into an apartment building in Brooklyn until you find them. The world doesn't know your real name so you won't be needing a new identity."

"Understood, when do I leave?"


Hi everyone! I hope you are doing good. A vote and a comment would be very much appreciated! Good day to all!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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