Part 4

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"For the last time, NO." I turned and pushed Lyon's hand away from my face, lips pursed in protest. He was holding a spoonful of that revolting medicine, aiming to make me open my mouth and swallow, but I'm not letting him succeed this time.

"Please, (y/n)?" He pleaded to no avail.

I shook my head, not daring to look at his eyes. "Lyon, please... anything but that."

I heard him sigh, and I turned just in time to see him take the spoon into his mouth and lick off the medicine. Strange, I thought. Lyon wasn't sick, he didn't need to take that.

What happened next was a sudden blur. Lyon leaned and cupped my cheek, making me turn to forcibly face him. And with his eyes closed, he gently pressed his lips against mine in a soft and sweet kiss.

My mind turned blank as I slowly gave in to the kiss. I leaned back, one arm wrapping itself around his neck to draw him closer as the other propped me up against the mattress, pressing his lips harder on mine.

He caught me again. Lyon then started to slowly part his lips, forcibly opening my mouth in line with his. I couldn't register this fast enough, and before I knew it, the bitter liquid painfully made its way down my throat, slipping past Lyon's lips and into mine.

My eyes bolted open in shock as I firmly pressed my hand on Lyon's chest to push him away, gagging at the taste of the medicine. And when i turned to him, Lyon was wearing a winning smile.

"What's wrong, (y/n)-chan?" He said almost teasingly, but the look of concern in his eyes begged to differ. "Are you okay?"

"Y-you..." I struggled to form a complete thought amidst the lingering bitter taste of the medicine that still dwelled in my mouth. "YOU TRICKED ME!"

"I-I'm sorry, (y/n)-chan. I had to." He responded guiltily, pleading for forgiveness.

That's it. I've had it. Lyon is just so good with looking cute, he leaves me with no choice. And, try as I might, I can't stay mad at him. Not once. I blushed, avoiding his concerned gaze with a pout as i muttered beneath me breath. "F-fine.."

A heartbeat later, I heard him chuckle, afterwards cupping my chin, making me look directly into his dark blue orbs, fondly staring into mine with warming kindness.

"You look cute when you blush." He said in the most gentle tone possible, lips curved into a thoughtful smile.

That, of course, made me blush even more. "S-shut up.." I whispered.

At that, Lyon gave a light laugh that lifted my heart. It was comforting to know that he liked being with me as much as I did with him. The way he made me feel fluttery when he's close, how I can't seem to get enough of his kisses, perhaps he feels exactly the same way. And that was all I ever wanted.

He leaned closer, pressing his forehead on mine while gently cupping my cheek, eyes closed as we shared breaths. Soon after, I felt my eyes flutter close as well, the corners of my lips turning up into a small smile that mirrored his as I listened carefully to his whispered words.

"I love you, (y/n)-chan."

He kissed me. A soft, gentle kiss that made me want to never pull away. I shifted, lying back on the bed so he hovers on top of me, still not breaking the kiss. His hand moves to gently play with my hair as I wrap an arm around his waist, pulling him closer against me, as I felt myself silently moan in the kiss, probably out of comfort and pleasure.

He gently pulled away after what seemed like an eternity, lovingly staring into my eyes with a smile as I whisper back to him.

"I love you too, Lyon. I love you sooo much."

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