Tzuyu - Can you at least try?

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Requested by: TwiceMadeMeGayAf

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I'm on arranged marriage to Chou Tzuyu.

It was against my will but I don't have the power to object.

Both our parents arranged us and I don't know why.

We'll be having a dinner with their family.

We arrived at the place and my parents greeted her's.

"Tzuyu is a good daughter, she's just cold" Her parents said and I faked a smile.

She rolled her eyes "The wedding will already be held next and starting tomorrow, you'll be living together to know each other more" My parents said.

The day before the wedding...

She treated me like a trash.

Saying that she can't believe she's marrying a trash.

That she doesn't love me.

"Trash, get me water" She said "I don't want to" I said "Be thankful because you're marrying me" She said.

I've had enough of this shit.

"DO YOU THINK I FUCKING WANTED THIS?!" I shouted making her flinch "I only agreed because I needed to" I said.

"I fucking hate you for treating me like this" I said "Can you at least try and love me?" I asked.

"Because I'm trying so hard to love someone like you, someone who treats me like a trash, someone who doesn't even appreciate my worth" I said and sobbed.

"If I'll just be living this way for the rest of my life, just kill me" I said "I tried to be kind to you even if you're cold to me" I said.

"I don't even know why you hate me" I said "What did I even do to you?" I asked.

"If it's about this stupid marriage, I'll tell my parents that we won't work" I said and stormed out of the house.


I stood there, processing what just happened.

I felt guilty.

What have I done?

I didn't mean to be too much.

I'm so stupid.

I went to their house but you weren't there.

I went to the park and saw you there.

I felt relieved that you're safe.

But will you accept me apology?

I went near you and sat beside you "Hey" I said and you wiped your tears "I wanted to apologize for being too much" I said and you just nodded.

"Are we okay now?" I asked "Only if you treat me some ice cream" You said and I smiled.

I didn't know that you were childish.

"About what you said earlier, I'll try" I said "I'll try to love you and it seems like you're easy to love" I said and you smiled.

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