Jihyo - Ring

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Part three of "Bestfriends"

Requested by:Penguin496_

Female reader


3 years later...

I'm finally going back.

I can't wait to see her and I actually have a surprise for them.

I just landed here in South Korea and my parents fetched me.

"We missed you" They said and hugged me.

"I missed you more" I said and we went in our car.

"How are you?" Mom asked "Better" I said "I found love while I was there" I said and they smiled

"When will he see him?'" They asked "He'll be here later because his flight got delayed" I said and they smiled.

"Will you tell Jihyo?" They asked and I nodded.

"My bestfriend deserves to know" I said and smiled.


We're currently in our practice room.

"Girls, you have a visitor" Pinky oppa said "Who could that be?" We asked and a woman went in.

"Surprise?" She said and looked at me.

"Y/N!" The members shouted and hugged her while I froze at my place.

She's back.

She's finally back.

"Won't you hug your bestfriend?" She asked and I ran up to her embrace.

I cried "What took you so long?" I asked "I've been busy with life" She said and wiped my tears.

"I'll just leave if you'll continue crying" She said and I held her closer.

"Don't leave me anymore" I said and she nodded.

"Stop crying and we'll eat outside" She said "With the girls" She added and the girls squealed.

Time skip...

We ate outside and talked about a lot of things we missed.

"Did you keep the ring?" She asked and I nodded.

I showed it to her "We both kept our promise" She said and smiled.

"Also, I have someone to introduce" She said "He'll be here in a minute" She added and smiled.

"LOVE!" Someone shouted and hugged Y/N.

Who is this guy?

What is he to Y/N?

Everything's not making sense.

"Girls, this is my fiancé, Ethan" She said "Congratulations" We said and smiled.

"We got engaged a month ago" She said and smiled while looking at him.

"Are we invited to the wedding?" The girls asked and they both nodded.

"And we ask Jihyo to be the bridesmaid" Ethan said and I smiled.

"Of course" I said and hugged her.

We broke the hug "I'm happy for you" I said "Thank you" She said.

"We decided to stay here for good" She said "What about the ring?" I asked "I want it to be my wedding ring" She said and I gasped.

"It's already been used-" She cut me off "By my bestfriend and it made it even more special" She said.

"Even though I'm getting married, you'll still have a special place in my heart" She said and smiled.

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