Chapter 18 - Phase Three

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Justin and Greg arrive at the hospital as both are rushed to x-ray immediately. That leaves Josh and James stuck out in the waiting room. Josh's impatience takes control, but it won't last for long.

"I don't know what to do from here, bub," Josh says, pacing the floor.

"Well, you know their base of operations now. Call upon the full force of every agency and military unit not activated and wipe this asshole out." James suggests tapping his fingers on the table.

The eruption of gunfire burst from around the corner before an idea can begin to form.

"Madman with a gun!" A male nurse screams.

Josh races around the corner with his Beretta drawn. He's met by bullets ricocheting off the wall aimed at his chest.

"Get out here; ya party-crashing clown!" Damien yells in his thick Louisianan voice.

"Drop the gun and surrender!" Josh orders.

Hearing a bullet whiz past his ear, Josh leaps and takes cover behind the nurse's station. He points around the corner to return fire.

"I'm sending you to the morgue!" Josh yells back as James dives behind him.

"James, get out of here! Find Justin to keep him safe. That's an order. Now!"

James crawls to where the nurses have ducked for protection as the bullets fly.

"I need to find Justin Adamson." He yells at one of the nurses.

"Last time I checked, he was in surgery for internal hemorrhaging." One of the nurse's shriek.

James crawls back to Josh to let him know.

"He's in surgery."

All Josh uses is a nod looking over when a radical idea strikes him.

"He must be running low on ammo. Can you toss that air tank onto the floor?"

"Yeah, but what...oh I got ya," James smirks, going over to pick up the medium size tank tossing it into the air.

Josh takes his chances to spring to his feet, emptying his weapon. The tank explodes as it sends Damien backward through the double doors.

"He's down!" James cries out, running through the doors once the flames vanish.

He feels a sharpness in his left leg after a bullet rips through the flesh, leaving James in shock.

Stuck in the doorway, James screams out in pain. Josh rushes to him to provide cover as nurses head into the line of fire, pulling him to safety.

Damien empties the clip and takes off running for his life. Only steps behind, Josh is hot on his tail but refuses to fire again with civilians nearby. They head out into the stairwell, where Damien ducks for cover.

"I'm gonna place a bullet between your eyes, you worthless bastard!" Damien cries out to the agent he hates most.

He takes off down to the parking garage hiding among the ambulances and security vehicles. Josh hunkers down, keeping his head low to find his assailant.

"Get your ass out here and fight you pussy!" Josh calls out in frustration.

He's sent spinning in every direction as Damien's high-pitched cackle echoes throughout the structure.

Josh rounds the corner of an ambulance and hears a faint hissing noise. He searches to discover the source is a round metal object roll under the ambulance beside him.

"Oh..." Josh yells, dashing for cover before the explosion.

Rolling in pain from the gunshot wound, Josh tries to focus on reaching a fire extinguisher to douse the flames when he overhears footsteps.

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