Chapter 4.

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I woke up with an extreme pain. I flew up from what I was laying on and Screamed, as my whole body was in pain.

"Wow, wow there! Calm down! It'll be over in a minute." Some guy said as he was going to snap back my broken leg.

"Here, sweetie it's going to be alright." A guy with black hair and blue eyes said as he handed me a belt to bite on.

"Okay, I will count to 3? Okay?" The guy with blond hair and grey eyes told me, who was also the one guy that was holding my foot.

I nodded, telling them I was ready. The blond guy looked at the other one and nodded.

"1...2..." it never came a three as He snapped back my leg. I let out a blood curling scream.

"The worst is now over, Sweetie." The guy with black hair said. My head felt dizzy and darkness filled my surroundings.

(20 minutes before)


"ANDRE, ALEX!" I shouted as I carried out the angel in my arms. Soon out from the mansion came Alex and Andre out running.

"Xander, what happened ?!" Andre asked as he took the girl in my arms.

"I found her standing on the bridge, ready to jump. But I caught her before she could fall. When I found her she already looked like this."

"Andre quick lay her on the board," Alex said. Andre did as he was told and they carried her into the mansion.

"Alright we don't have time to take her to the emergency room, so we need to this on the table. Hurry!" Alex said to Andre. Me following them fast into the mansion. As the guys carried her into the mansion my men looked at us confused.

"I need to sew her wounds. They're really deep." Alex said. Both Andre and Alex are two of our medics. Also two of my trusted ones...of my maffia.

Alex was sewing her wounds fast, we need to fix her up fast and then get her to the real medic room. Now we're in a dining she is laying on the table.

"Alright so, her right leg is broken, she has lost a lot of blood so she needs to get more. Call the medic to get her more blood. Now, we need to pull back her leg. Alex, give her a belt if she wakes up." Andre said as he prepared everything.

Many of my men came to check what was happening. A few of them were here to help and a few here to look.

Now she's awake. Fuck. She flew up from the table and screamed as I guess she felt how much in pain she was.

"Wow, wow there!! Calm down, It'll be done in a minute!" Andre said as he was holding her foot and Alex held her body down.

"Here, sweetie it's all going to be alright," Alex said giving her a belt to put in her mouth to bite in.

They told her a few more things and then Andre snapped her leg back. She let out a blood curling scream. One of the worst I've ever heard. Even my men looked like it was they who wore the pain.

With that, she passed out. Her body was now all relaxed again.

"Get her to the medic room NOW!" Alex screamed to the men. They soon after did as they were told.

Wow. I can't believe what I just witnessed. As I was in my thoughts a hand came on my shoulder. Andre's hand.

"Boss, this wasn't the first time...her leg was too easy to snap back...and I mean all her wounds...she is full of scars. And I think she's been raped. There was blood on her pants. Elena is checking on it now." Andre said with a worried expression on his face.

"You don't understand. There is something about her...I can't put my finger on it. The way she looked at me Andre...she was terrified! I need all information about her on my desk in 20 minutes!!" I said to Andre.

"On it boss" was all he said before he was gone and fixing it to me.

I will get the bastard that has hurt her...I swear that to myself and her.




✔️𝑈𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑙 𝐷𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐷𝑜 𝑈𝑠 𝐴𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡.18+(𝐵𝑂𝑂𝐾 1)   Where stories live. Discover now