Fanfiction Results

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So I feel like I owe you guys an apology. One of our judges disappeared, and I didn't realize it until it was too late. Then I got ambushed by midterms and the awards got away from me. Anyway, enough with the excuses. These books are judged by either @b0iledegg3 or me. Since only one person judged each book, there won't be any averages. That's why the scores are more on the extreme side. I know it's not perfect, but that's just what happened. Because I seem to be more lenient than the other judge, I am giving all of the books I didn't judge a 15% curve.

Everything aside, I would  like to say congratulations to every single one of the participants.   Putting yourself put there is not easy, and I commend you for  it.

Now, the moment you've been waiting for.

Here's how this is going to go.

I am posting everyone's breakdown (with the curve if I didn't judge it). The top three books are going to get a review, which can be PM'd to the author upon request. Winners,  please PM me your email so I can send the stickers over. Judges, please  follow the winner of your genre.

And now, it is my privilege to announce the results for fanfiction for Season 1 of the Borderverse Awards.

And now, it is my privilege to announce the results for fanfiction for Season 1 of the Borderverse Awards

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9. Eyecandy by @Jellycuddles19_
Cover: 2/10
Blurb: 2/5
Grammar: 3/15
Plot: 2/20
Characters: 2/15
Descriptions: 1/15
Interpretation: 2/15
Personal: 1/5
Total: 15/100

 Eyecandy by @Jellycuddles19_ Cover: 2/10Blurb: 2/5Grammar: 3/15Plot: 2/20Characters: 2/15Descriptions: 1/15Interpretation: 2/15Personal: 1/5Total: 15/100

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8. In Between Love and Death by @JessieZhu
Cover: 6/10
Blurb: 1/5
Grammar: 2/15
Plot: 3/20
Characters: 1/15
Descriptions: 1/15
Interpretation: 1/15
Personal: 1/5
Total: 16/100

 In Between Love and Death by @JessieZhu Cover: 6/10Blurb: 1/5Grammar: 2/15Plot: 3/20Characters: 1/15Descriptions: 1/15Interpretation: 1/15Personal: 1/5Total: 16/100

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Borderverse Awards Season 1Where stories live. Discover now