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Sin waked up bright and early, stretching out of bed, her bare foot padded against the stone floor and into the common room. She looked over and notice Stellas door is opened and saw an unslept bed, rasing one of her eyebrows maybe she left for breakfast she looked over the the clock that hung across the room to see it's 6 in the morning.

She heard a shuffle and turns and saw Bloom coming out the room, Sin smiled at her, "Hey you sleep okay?"

"Couldn't really sleep."

"Yeah, first new nights in a new bed is always the worst." 

"Not sure the new bed is the thing giving me nightmares" Sin smiled in comfort in return, while Bloom had a restless sleep, Sin slept like baby, Bloom wondered if Sin had the same sleep as her, but seeing no eye bags underneath her eyes Bloom thought wrong.

Before Sin can reply, the main door opened, in came Aisha, "Hey guys."

Bloom looked at Aisha, "Hey, I notice you weren't in bed, when did you wake up?"

"A few hours ago, how are you guys? And Bloom how are you feeling about the whole.... Changeling thing?"  Bloom looked down and Sin stared at her as she waited for her answer. "Is "trying not to feel anything" an answer?"

"Well what we both need it's a cup coffee." Sin replied hoping to lift Blooms mood.

Aisha who also wanted to lift her mood, she explained how today is the first day of class and learn how to to use your magic. Sin smiled, finally she can expand and learn more magic, she went back into her room and changed into a skinny ripped  jeans with heeled boots and styled it with a black leather jacket and a black top with her necklace hidden.

Coming out her room she stumbled to Terra who was carrying her clothes, "hey you okay?"

"Yeah, just gunna go to the bathroom." Terra counties to walk to the bathroom and Sin looked at her and shrugged her shoulders moving towards the main door, before she can open it, someone came through and it was the famous blonde wearing the same clothes from yesterday. "You're wearing you're shirt inside out." Sin whispered and chucked slightly before leaving.

Sin walked through the corridors , hoping to get a chance to go to the library before class starts, finding the library she walked in, looking around and walking through the isles, going to the section beginning with D she tried anything that related to defect, suddenly out of nowhere a body came through the wall, Screaming Sin moved out the way and stumbled back.

"Hey hey, sorry, sometimes I forget people don't find this normal." It was a cute boy with sandy blonde hair and a cute smile. He put his hands out, "The name is Sam."

Sin clutching over her chest she calmed down and put her hands out and shaked Sam's hand, "Sin." The Blodne boy raised his eyebrows at the name, "Pleasure, need any help? I know a struggler when I see one."

Sin nooded her head, "Yeah, I'm looking for a book about defects?"

Sam looked surprised at the request, "Defects?"

Sin confidently said, "Yeah its for a friend," Sam looked at Sin for a moment and aggred, "Follow me then," Sam took her down the library far from where she was looking. "Defects isnt really a popular topic, even professors wouldn't want to talk about them in sessions, they don't want to give a pupils a chance to do it."

"How come you know?" Sam looked back, "I stumbled upon it when I was looking for something else," Sam looked at the row and grabbed small leather book, it was tiny, so small you wouldn't realise it was there, "Here, just be careful with it, you don't want to lose it."

Sin gave a grateful smile to Sam, "Thank you you so much, I'll see you soon." Grabbing the book, she walked out the library and placed the book in her bag, she looked at her watch and realised class was about to start so she rushed forward hoping not to be late.

When Sin arrived, she notice a space between Aisha and the others and quietly sat down, turning to Sin, "Hey were you."

Sin looked back at Aisha. "I was just at the library researching." Sin put her bag on the floor.'

"Did you find anything?" Sin nodded yes, "Good, maybe we can look at it later on." Aisha then contuined. "Also we might need your help, we need to help Stella look for her ring, were gunna go after class."

Sin raised her one eyebrows and said, "Why would we help her, she gave Bloom the ring in the first place."

Aisha signhed, "Yeah, but apparently belongs to the Queen of Solga, The princess needs it back before we can tell Miss Downling."

"Princesss!" Sin whispered shoutly.

"ALL RIGHT CLASS, let's begin," Shouted Miss Dowling, Sin jumped and looked around wondering where the hell she came from. Bloom suddenly came out of nowhere to and sat next to Sin.

"Magic lives in the very fabric of nature. And here in our circle of stone, it's magnified. The Vessel tests your ability to channel that magic. Later, you may learn to connect with other elements, but your first year is all about the element you were born with." Miss Dowling called Terra over the middle of the stone circle, there was a bowl like style on podium she hold on to the bowl and vines started to form. "Soil, sand, rock, and all manner of plant life."

Miss Dowling congratulated Terra before calling Aisha "Water," "The lakes and oceans of the world, or the molecules that exist in all organisms around us."

Next was a girl called Beatrix, Sin felt off with the girl, maybe it was her colour of her lipstick that didn't work out with the whole goth look she was pulling off, "The mind," Miss Dlwoing continued, "Thoughts, memories, dreams."

Bloom stood up next, holding on to the brown she tied to merge the fire, unfortunately it seems it wasn't Blooms day as she failed to conjure the fire out of the bowl. Feeling defeated she told Miss Downlong to move on.

"Sin, you're next." Glancing around she saw everyone was starring at her, she stood up and slowly make her way up to the bowl, deeply breathing out, she grabbed onto the bowl and closed her eyes, she felt the bowl getting warmer. The other side Miss Dowling was looking closely, she notice a small speck of reddens beginning to form, frowning her eyebrows as she thought no, it can't be before Sin can conjure she called out, "Okay, I think that's enough." Sin opened her eyes in confused, she hadn't created anything, she looked at Aisha, who shrugged in response, Miss Dowling smiled stiffly, "I think that's enough magic for today class."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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