The walking corpse

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Alien Queen: Morning dudes!  Momo how is he?

Encyclopaedia: Guys come to my room right now! When you come in be quiet.

Chipmunk: Are you alright Momo? What's wrong?

Encyclopaedia: Yes...... No- It doesn't matter just hurry up!

Momo (do you guys remember that thing?): Wait one minute then I'll be there Yaoyarozu. 

Earphone Jack: Tea?🤷‍♀️😉

Air: Fancy tea? 😉👌



" What did you wanna talk about so early in the morni-" Mina paused, all of the sleepy girls looked down to see the boy in the spare bed and Momo in the big one. " Momo~ Did you swap beds with him as soon as we left? That's a bit conceded of you little rich girl~" Toru snickered. "1. Shut the hell up....... 2. When I woke up he was there and I was here, that's all I know!" She spat out getting flustered. "Aww, he must of woke up and swapped beds with you Momo..... ribbit." The amphibian girl stated. 

All the girls crowded around the teen as he slept. They kneeled down on the floor beside him; not long after, the boy started stirring, but he did it in a peaceful way.  His eyes slowly started to  flutter, emphasising the attention on his long eyelashes. The girls just continued to stared at him in awe, then began slowly leaning in, they noticed how his freckles became more dominant. The boys head started to tilt back as he stirred. They all sat there in astonishment of his beauty. His eyes gradually started to open, revealing emerald orbs that sparkled as the sun from outside shun through the window. His stared at the ceiling, still drowsy. Calmly, his eyes drifted towards the girls as he gently sat up. The girls awoke from their daze, leaning back to give the boy room. "Hey~...." Mina said nervously as if waiting for something. All he did was give them a gentle smile.

( Remember when I said he was smart but not of the outside world, I MEANT IT. He knows almost everything on: languages, literature, maths, ethics, philosophy, history, art. And some stuff on music (Old type shit) and science. HE KNOWS PRACTICALLY NOTHING OF OUR MODERN WORLD! e.g. phones, tv, news, laptops, modern music,  modern science, dating, dorm houses, apartments, wars, history after 1900, and any of our 'modern' terms. Back to the story).


"Hey, have any of you seen the girls this morning?" Kirishima asked all of the boys who were having breakfast. "That is indeed a grand question. They should all be here to witness my beauty~"  " FOR FUCKS SAKE! NO ONE CARES YOU TWINK!" "Oh Bakubro, don't be jealous of Yuga. You look decent." "ARE YOU SCREWING WITH ME SHITTY HAIR?! I AM A GREEK GOD COMPARED TO YOU RETARDED TURDS! HAHAHAHAHHHAA!" Suddenly an tall man who looked like he literally just crawled out of a grave put his hand on our Pomeranians shoulder, Bakugo slowly turned his head, fear had crept onto his face as he gazed at the walking corpse, "Shut up before I expel you....." He began to walk off, "..... it's to damn early for this...." he yawned before tumbling back into the dark hole of a room he appeared from.

To be continued...

(i just can't think of what else to put in here 🤷‍♀️)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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