Chapter 4 Class President and USJ Part 1

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(With intro use your imagination about something to do with my hero academia and Naruto is Izuku)

The Next day....

Aizawa: Alright problem children today we are picking class presidents..


Aizawa: and don't interrupt my nap!

Everyone except Izuku: VOTE ME!!!

Kirishima: I'll be manly so vote me!!

Mineta: I'll make the gir- *Izuku death glares Mineta and makes him wet his pants*

Izuku: I honestly don't want to be involved

Momo, Mina and Denki smirked at this and thought 'Lets vote for him'

Izuku Aizawa- 10 votes

Momo Yaoyorozu- 3

The rest is either 1,2 or 0...

Izuku: What a Drag....

Momo gave a evil grin

Izuku: Ok nobody interrupt my sleep EVER!

Momo: Thank you for voting for us!

Aizawa: Ok class dismissed..


Momo: So Izuku what exactly are your quirks....

Izuku: Hm oh my quirks are basically like this...


Momo: What's going on?!

Izuku: Someone has broken into UA

Then a stampede of students and Izuku sees Iida saying it's just the press but nobody can hear him...

'Kurama let's let out some of our blood lust'

'Ok kit'

Izuku: *Inaudible screaming*

Everyone looked at Izuku with scared eyes...

Izuku: Everyone Shut up and listen it's just the press so sit down and stop being irrational you are UA students for Goodness sake.

Time skip to the next day...

Aizawa: Alright class today some teachers and I are taking you to the USJ for Rescue Training so put on your hero costumes or gym uniforms and head outside to the bus.

Everybody: Yes sir!

Izuku: Everyone on the bus now!
When everyone got on the bus...

Asui: Hey Aizawa I usually say what's on my mind.

Izuku: And what would that be?

Asui: Are you and Momo dating?

Momo instantly started blushing at this and trying to speak.

Izuku: No only close friends nothing more.

Momo looked sad at this and only one person noticed and of course it was Mina...

Mina: Soooo~ you and Aizawa huh *she whispered in her ear* you sure look sad at what he said about only being friends~...

Momo: W-w-what I-it's n-nothing l-l-like t-that.

Sadly for Momo she forgot to whisper... Thankfully Izuku was asleep on her... SHOULDER!!

'WHAT HE IS SLEEPING ON MY SHOULDER!!!' She internally screamed and nearly fainted.

20 Minutes later...

Momo: ummm Izuku We are here...

Izuku: Hm oh ok...

Aizawa: Ok today we are doing our training here at the USJ...

Everyone: Cool!!

Aizawa: Today we have a  Pro rescue hero to help us...

13: Me!!

The instant 13 showed up Urakaka started fangirling over her Izuku chuckled at this and went inside.

As everyone looked with awe at the inside of the USJ I saw dad ask 13 where uncle might was 13 only replied with 3 fingers and instantly knew what this was about.. His time limit.

Kirishima: Woah you guys even got fake villians.

I saw this and instantly jumped forward and started attacking them when Dad said They aren't fake.

(Play now)

???: Huh I guess All Might isn't here Shigaraki.

Izuku: Well well well what a surprise what do you want..

Shigaraki: To kill All Might of course but he seems he isn't here so let's get his attention by killing you first.

My dad and everyone except Iida were fighting the thugs I guessed he went to get help...

Shigaraki: Kurogiri send in the Nomu to kill this brat..

Kurogiri: Yes...

Then a giant bird like monster the size of uncle might walked out and then...

Shigaraki: NOMU KILL HIM!!

Then it charged at me so I teleported behind it and slammed a rasengan into his back which did a bit of damage...

Shigaraki: Heh if you want to play that game NOMU KILL THAT GIRL!!

He pointed at Momo.. My eyes widened and I felt angry.

'Kurama you know know what to do'

'Ok kit'

My whole body became red and two tails appeared from my back...

My whole body became red and two tails appeared from my back

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(Imagine it with 2 tails and it's Izuku)

I started to run at the beast...

To Be Continued...


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