Chapter 1 The hero's come back

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The war... Everything for nothing... The city nearly destroyed... Mirio and Shigaraki are fighting... Midnight and Aizawa are near death...

Mirio: You will not win!!!
Shigaraki: It seems our hero is about to die to the hands of me!! Haha
Momo looks up to see a portal.. that was oddly familiar and out stepped an adult looking boy that looked like Izuku.. Then he grit his teeth and yelled

???: Kuubi is back in business...
Momo could swear she heard that name before until...
"The Chakra Hero: Kuubi"
Flashback end
Momo was on the ground crying and so was Aizawa and Nemuri...

Shigaraki: My my isn't it the annoying brat... Gonna lose control again..HeheHAHAHA..
Izuku: Nah * Then punch's his fist together and then he turns all orange glow with weird symbols and 9 tails*
Then he created 2 clones and told them to heal Mirio...

Play now

Then all of sudden he rushed Shigaraki while in his form and sent a flurry of punches at him probably faster than All Might...
Then he yelled at the top of his lungs
Which then somehow destroyed the All For One quirk return all quirks to their rightful owners..

(Start... the song)
Izuku was staring at stars and then looked at Momo noticing tears in her eyes he smirked, walked over to her giving her a hug to which he passed out from tiredness.

(Finish... the song I mean...not the book...not yet)
Then Momo instantly knew she was in love...

Little did she know he felt the same way (he was just really good at hiding it)
Now he felt like he could express himself but how then he got a light bulb...

5 hours later after the city is checked and surprisingly UA campus including the dorms is unharmed...

1-A chat
Foxy the fox: ....#everyone

Alien Queen: Who dis... wait ZAWA!!!

Foxy the Fox: I thought love was only true in fairy tales

You literally can't see me: Who you talkin about..

Foxy: Meant for someone else, but not for me

Foxy: Love was out to get me
That's the way it seemed
Disappointment haunted all my dreams

The Creator: What is going on??

Alien Queen: Zawa is confessing to someone...
The Creator: Oh ok cool...
Then I saw her face, now I'm a believer
Not a trace, of doubt in my mind
I'm in love, I'm a believer
I couldn't leave her if I tried
Just listen to the rest...
Foxy has changed his name to Izuku
Izuku: #Momo I ❤️ u

Izuku then puts his phone down as Denki appears out of nowhere and fist bumps him and Izuku goes to her dorm and knocks on the door...

Momo: Coming...

Momo opened the door to see Izuku...
Izuku: Can I come in...

Till next time

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