Chapter 3: Don't Pretend

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It's been about 2 and a half hours on the jet. I honestly don't know how much longer I can go...I feel like falling asleep but I know I can't.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I heard Zachs husky voice speak. By the sound of it he was equally as tired if not more.

"I want to go home"

"Sorry Princess but that's not on the agenda unfortunately. Well be in Italy in about 4 hours so better make yourself comfortable." I could physically feel the anger making its way to the surface. The anger I tried to push down for 14 years, everyone always called me 'princess'. As if I actually lived like one. They have no fucking idea what my life is like.

"Fuck you. You know nothing about me or my life." The minute I said that he stood up and walked over to me, like I said I wasn't thinking clearly and stood up right in front of him. Standing my ground I sent him a challenging look.

He chuckled. Again.

"Wtf is so funny"

"You actually think you'll do something to me? Princess you have no idea what Im capable of do you?" that's it. I'm just about over this. Thanks to my anger issues I deeply adore I punched him. Well at least attempted to.

He grabbed my wrist before it could hit his jaw. Just then he flipped me around holding my hands behind my back firmly. I noticed although his grip was tight it wasn't unbearable, as if he would break me.

I could feel his breathing become heavy hitting the back of my neck. He slowly reached his face forward right infront of my ear as he whispered.

"Looks like we'll have to work on these fighting skills, won't we?" a smirk spread across my face. Just because I didn't hit him doesn't mean I don't know how to defend myself.

Before he could move away from my neck I quickly switched our positions so I was the one holding his wrists. Felt good to surprise him.

"I guess I wasn't completely right about you Firecracker." he let out a breathy laugh.

"I guess not Mr. Mancini" I carefully whispered in his ear as his breathing hitched.

Not long after someone entered our side of the jet. It appeared to be one of his men. The minute he saw us he ran towards me pushing me off Zach. I didn't have time to think so I punched him as self defense. He was much stronger and bigger than I was and smashed his fist into my face. I heard yelling before I slowly slipped out of consciousness.

"What did you do Caleb?! She wasn't going to fucking hurt me you dumbass!"

. . .

I had awoken to a very unfamiliar room. It was a rather big place...I realized I was also sleeping on a giant bed. Very comfy. But not the point.

I went to sit up before I fell back into the comforting bed. My head was throbbing. I don't understand why. Was I hungover? I don't remember to be honest. Wait. Nope. Yea never mind I don't remember at all.

After about 10 minutes of gathering all the energy I had to push through this horrid headache and sit up the door to the room I was in opened. A petite old woman walked in greeting me with a warm comforting smile.

"Hello Miss Luna. I see you have awoken from your slumber. Here are some pain killers to aid that nasty headache of yours." she spoke with a genuine smile. She made me feel comforted. Something I haven't felt in ages.

"Thank you so much"

"Of course. Mr. Mancini asked for you to be ready by 6 and meet him in the dinning room. I have prepared 3 different dresses for you to wear...pick your favorite and then I'll be back to escort you down" she then gestured to the small living room in my bedroom where three beautiful dresses lie.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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