Chapter 2: Ignorance is Bliss

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A/N: coming up throughout the book there will be usage of Italian. Please be patient as Italian is not my first language so be open minded as there will most likely be mistakes. I will include a translation as well.

Lunas POV:
         Here I am...I'm being escorted to some darkened out limo by a strong muscular guy. If this was any other circumstance I would've probably gotten all rosy at the thought of another guy holding me so firmly, but now, no.

As we got into the back part of the limo I wasn't registering what was occurring...instead I was admiring the vehicle. This must've cost a small fortune.

I looked around, it had a slick and dark appearance to it. The vibe it gave was probably alarming and dark for some people...but for me it was comfortable. It reminded me of the same person who was supposedly taking me. I placed myself right in the corner of the vehicle. Thankfully the guy who ushered me didn't stay, he instead sat in the drivers seat closing the small but open window dividing us. Rude.

After carefully inspecting every inch of the limo I finally gained my thought process back and remembered the incidents that had just happened. I was being kidnapped. I don't even know this man and he is taking me. Yes he's attractive. Yes he seems wealthy. Yes I may feel oddly comfortable here. But he's taking me.

Before I was able to start having a panic attack(which i tend to get often and have grown to hate) a door opened. The same person who was planning on taking me entered the limousine. He was looking feverishly handsome. Slowly he entered not quite sure where to sit...he ended up sitting across from myself right next to the window dividing the two parts of the vehicle.

Just as I was about to speak a phone rang. Instead of saying anything I decided to eavesdrop. I need an escape plan. I don't even know who this man is. Something tells me I should. Not because he's well known...but I have this, feeling, he holds some sort of importance to me.

As he clicked accept on his device he let out a loud sigh, " Ciao zio... Sono occupato al momento. Se non è urgente, posso richiamarti più tardi?" [Hello Uncle...I'm busy at the moment. If it's not urgent, can I call you back later?]

Why are they speaking in Italian? Not long after he had ended the call. Good thing daddy taught me Italian when I was little...he said it would come in handy one day. Who would've thought that day was now. After a while of contemplating whether or not I should expose this secret of mine...I decided to keep it hidden. It might be useful on my end and I was desperate.

At this point the two of us were just staring at each other. I tried so hard not to get lost in his captivity gray eyes...unfortunately I failed. I'm not sure how we got like this but I didn't have anything else to do. We've been in the car for what seemed like about a half an hour. Still completely clueless about every little thing I decided to try to do some digging. Let's begin with the basic stuff. 

"Who are you exactly? Why am I even here?" my voice came out more like a shaky whisper than I had expected.

He chuckled.

"You really don't know who I am?" he asked almost in utter disbelief. No. I really didn't know this man. Was I supposed to?

"I-uh- no. But I'm starting to get a feeling I should..." there we go with the chuckle again, at first it was attractive but now I'm starting to get annoyed.

The man just looked at me. Like he was trying to figure me out, unscramble the mess of a puzzle I was. Luckily I happen to be good at hiding my feelings. After a while of being alone and disappointment you learn how to cope. You can adapt new skills. This was one of mine.

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