Jack Frost (Love Story) ROTG

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It was a snowy night, A young girl with Brown hair, And light brown eyes, was shaking and laying on the ground wearing overalls, A blue shirt, and had barefoot. My name is Alex…how do I know this?...well it was the last thing I hear, then I woke up alone not knowing my past or anything ,just alone. Alex looked down at the slippery ground and got up slowly and slipped and hit a small mountain of snow, She heard a small laugh come from behind her and she jumped quickly and was shaking, not in fear but of the coldness she kept feeling around her. “ Hello? Who are you? No, where are you?”  Alex picked up a Rock and  A stick and looked around, she heard tapping on the frozen lake, and looked down at it and it wrote in snow “Jack Frost”. She cocked her head to the side and said “Jack…Frost?”  While she was wondering who he was, she felt a breath of air breath against her ear coldly and she turned to see a teenage boy, White snow hair, Sea blue eyes, A blue jacket with frost on it a bit, Barefoot, brown pants that ripped on the ends, pale skin, and A wooden staff with frost on it. He laughed and took a step towards Alex and she backed up and looked at the frost that was left behind him, each step left frost, he dragged the Staff and it left frost, “who…what…are you?”  Jack just laughed and said with a grin “I’m Jack Frost, I’m a winter Guardian, who are you?” Jack just laughed and said with a grin “I’m Jack Frost, I’m a winter Guardian, who are you?”  Alex stared at him “I’m Alex”  Jack smiled at her “hello Alex, but um…why are you out so late kid?”  Alex shrugged and looked at him with confused eyes, and said “I…I…I don’t know…” Jack stared down at her and bent down, and looked her in the eyes and asked “Want me to help you find your home?” Alex nods and Jack looks at her clothes “Don’t you Get cold in those clothes?”  Alex nods, Slowly shaking and Jack’s eyes sadden “I Wish I could keep you warm…but all I can do is keep you cold..”  Jack looks away sad “Sorry…” Alex smiles “it’s alright” Jack smiles back and he flies off , he comes back holding a trashcan lid and he sets down a trashcan lid down “Sit on it, Let’s have some fun!”  Alex blinks and slowly sits on it and Jack Flies ahead and as he flies the lid slid on the ice and he turned a corner and  the lid turned with it, He smiles and looks down at her, She laughs and he makes a circle, she goes in a circle and flies out and Jack catches her in mid-air, he smiles gently “Was that fun?”  Alex nods “it was kinda scary! But it was fun! Lets do it again! Again!”  He shakes his head and his face is serious “not tonight kid…I have to go somewhere I’ll Catch you later kid” Jack gently sets her down, He flies off and Alex walks back to the frozen lake, She sat in the middle of it and traces her fingers around in the ice writing “Jack Frost”  She smiled so herself and said “Jack Frost…” She frowns “will I see you again?” She laid on the cold ice waiting. Just when she was starting to fall asleep, She felt a gust of wind and someone landed behind her, She turns over on her back, Jack looks down at her “Did…did you wait out in the cold for me…” She nods and shakes coughing, He picks her up and flies around the town, He grabbed  a blanket from the store, he held back the ice and wrapped her in it, He flew back to the lake and set her down against a tree, He sat next to her but kept his distance, he didn’t want to make her any colder, Alex closes her eyes, Jack laid in the snow and closes his eyes drifting off to sleep.

The Next Morning, Alex Woke up and looked around , She saw Jack Making it snow around the town, Alex got up and walked onto the frozen lake, there was a small crack, Jack was far away. She waves her arms around and yelled “Jack! Wait for m-“ He looks back at Alex smiling and it faded just as fast as it came and he flies over as fast as he can “Alex! Stay still!”  She stayed still and heardcracks underneath her, She looked at Jack, he was still far away rushing there trying to stop the cracks and she said scared “Jack! I’m Scared!”  He stares at her and has a flashback at what his sister said to him, And he stares “don’t be, Let’s play a little game…” He shook his head coming out the Daze, He was close enough to close the hole and right when he was gonna do it….Alex fell though, Jack yells “NO!”  He Jumped in After her, He grabbed her arm and pulled her up and laid her on the snow, He touches her arm, it was cold,His eyes widened and he starts pumping her chest not knowing what to do, Alex coughed as water came out her mouth, She stares at jack and asks “J…Jack?...”  He smiles and nods “It’s me…I’m here Alex…I’m here…”

Jack Frost (Love Story) ROTGWhere stories live. Discover now