Pitch...Is Back? Jack Under A Spell...

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Jack Stares at Alex, ''Whoa...You look Nice...'' Alex Giggles ''Thanks Jack''. Suddenly There was an evil laugh and Jack Gets in fighting postion like the rest of them, While Alex Hides Behind Jack, Pitch Stands there A smirk on his Face and he walks around them appearing infront and behind each of them, He appears Behind Jack and Alex yells and grips Jack's Sweatshirt tightly, Jack glares and Suddenly everything just started to move slow around Jack. He looks around ''...I...I feel strange...'' Jack falls to the ground knocked out and Sand snaked around Jack and Alex threw everything at the sand and she turned and saw the rest of the guardians were knocked out, Her breath Quickens in fear and she grabs Jack's staff and starts hitting the sand with it ''Bad Sand! Bad! he off of Jack!'' She yells she she is thrown back against the wall knocked out, Jack groans and sits up and saw Alex and He glares and pitch has Sand around his Wrists pulling him Back down and Pitch laughs evily, He touches Jack's forehead and Jack starts yelling in pain and he groans and his yells start to die down and his hair starts turning black and he tries to fight it back but the Sand wraps around him tighter and He groan and his hair and eyes turn Black, The sand slowly Leaves, Jack lays on the ground Panting. Alex rubs her head ''J-Jack?'' She looks around in Fear, Jack Steps out the Shadows and She stares ''Jack? Hey what's with you?'' She starts walking Towards him, He just keeps stepping back ''Who are you?'' He asked and held his staff up, Alex looks at Jack confused ''It's me...Alex'' He Says slowly confused ''A-Al-Alex?'' She nods ''yes Jack?'' He shakes his head and holds it ''Stop it! Stop it!'' He jumps back ''Stay away! or I'll hurt you!'' The guardians Wake up, Bunny sees this and throws egg bombs ''Jack! Your Scaring her!'' Alex Steps back in fear tears in her eyes ''Jack...I thought you were my Friend...'' She runs off crying and throws the snow globe and runs though a portal ''I Hate you Jack Frost!'' Jack Stares at her and Feels Pain in his chest and thinks 'Why?...Why does it feel like...I Know her?' He Hears a little laugh in his head, It was a happy little laugh 'Jack...Frost?' He thinks to himself 'who...was she?..who is this...Alex? Why is she crying over me? she doesn't even know me? no who is she? why was she scared? why...why...why!'

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