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IV: "Just friends"

"Who in Merlin's name decided it was a good idea to make Wood captain?" I groaned as I walked into the common room, dragging my broom and behind me. A bag full of a change of clothes was lazily slung around my shoulder.

The sun had barely risen over the castle, the morning light seeped through the mesh, red curtains that hung loosely on the windows, casting a warm orange light around the room. I usually liked waking up early to come and sit in the common room before it filled up with students. George, being the morning person he is, was almost always here before me. I loved our morning chats but waking up to play quidditch in the cold was a whole other story.

The twins were waiting for me by the portrait hole; Fred yawned as he said good morning, his curly red hair still a mess from his sleep. George was cheery, as always, and suggested that we get down to the pitch so as to not piss off Oliver on the first training session of the year.

We walked through the grounds to practice, the morning air blowing gently. It wasn't freezing given that it was still just September but it was enough to make me complain.

"I swear, Wilson, you get cold faster than anyone I know." Fred scruffed up my hair as we walked into the locker rooms. I was rubbing my hands together in an attempt to get them to warm up.

"I know I know. You think I like it?" I set my stuff down and sat on the bench, waiting for Oliver to come in and drag us back out into the 'cold'.

"Morning champs!" A distinguished Scottish accent filled the room. We all mumbles a low 'morning' back to him, much to the tall brunette's dismay.

"Well that's not the sound of a winning team. Let's try that again, shall we?"

"Oh give it a rest, Wood. It's 6am." The boy huffed at my response.

"Right, fine. Well, I've devised a completely new training plan. We're going to train longer and harder than any other team. The cup has our name on it this year, I can feel it." Oliver's eyes were wide with excitement. "Come on then, let's get out there. This cup isn't going to win itself."

We all followed behind him as he half-walked half-skipped out of the locker room. Our first match was going to be Slytherin; they liked to play dirty so Wood had us training harder then ever.

Angi, Alicia, Katie and I were the Chasers for the team. We all rotated between matches. Alicia had decided she would sit out the Slytherin game; Pucey and her had dated back in third year. It's safe to say that it didn't end well.

We were all passing around the quaffle, taking turns to score so Wood could get some keeping practice in. Harry Potter, our seeker, had been releasing the snitch and catching it over and over again. The twins were practicing deflecting bludgers. Everything was going well; everyone was playing their best and had clearly practiced over the summer, apart from Harry, of course, who lived with his awful muggle relatives who loathed magic so didn't allow him to practice. He didn't need it though, he truly was amazing.

After a long, cold two hours, practice had finished. Wood sported a wide grin on his face, dimples appearing on each cheek as he did.

"Calm down, Wood, it was only one practice. You look like you're gonna pull a muscle with how much you're smiling." Fred gently mocked the boy, though he too was smiling, just not as furiously.

The whole team grabbed their stuff, ready to head back up to the common room. It was 8am now, lessons started at 9 but I had a free first period.

"You coming, Wilson?" George asked as the twins were walking out the door.

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