~ Chapter 46 ~

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Third Person's Pov

"Masami-san? Why are you walking like that? Does your back hurts?"

Hinata, our innocent cute little sunshine asked Masami as she was walking out of the mansion with Tendou guiding her. He noticed that she was walking kinda weirdly and how Tendou was protectively surrounding her.

"O-Oh! I-I slipped on t-the bathroom this m-morning and smacked my bum on the floor... Thats all! Nothing to worry baby." she assured and gave him a bright smile. Hinata just nodded and smiled back thinking that, that really happened when it did not.

Masami sigh in relief as she galred hardly at Tendou.

"I need some bodyguard in my room starting from now on...." she sighed a again.

Upon hearing the bodyguard thingy all the boys who were busy putting all their stuffs at the limo whipped their heads towards her direction.

"Bodyguards? Pick me! I will protect you anytime!" Lev said enthusiastically making Masami chuckle.

"Are and idiot?! Your basically also the one reason why she needs a Bodyguard!" Yaku side kicked him making Lev yelp.

She chuckled and went inside the Limo followed by Tendou and the rest.

"Are you still in pain? I'm sorry~" Tendou cutely apologized for what he did but she cold tell he was sincere though.

This has been going on since earlier. The boys noticed that Tendou kept on apologising and kept surrounding Masami as if making sure she doesn't fall. And surely they most noticed how Masami walked.

For Terushima of course. Being the expert he is, doesn't need explanation as to what happened last night. He clicked his tongue before looking away.



On her private jet, Masami sat beside the window with a drink in her hand. She was busy looking outside the window when someone sat across her. She put drink on the table in between them and looked at the person in the eyes.

"Tell me..." he trailed "did you do it with him?" he glared at her. His browned orbs glaring on her crimson red ones.

She sighed and leaned back from her chair. Massaging the bridge of her nose.

"Nothing slides past you when it comes to like this, am I right, Yuuji?" she asked and took her glass from the table and took a sip.

Terushima sighed and is now the one leaning back and pressing his temples.

"You promised that you wouldn't do it with anyone again... Then what is this now?!" he whisper shouted pointing at tendou who was sleeping beside Ushijima.

"I wasn't going to but he was kissing me which turned me on so I let him, I can't deny that he is good tho." she smirked taking a sip again.

Terushima clenched his fist. Out of all the members, he has to be the one that heard Masami moaning like a bitch in heat last night.

Thats what he thought. Kuroo, Bokuto, Iwaizumi, Oikawa, Kita, Atsumu, Osamu, and some other third and second years heared them. They send glares to Tendou who just ignored them like they weren't glaring at him and continued to talk with Masami.



"By the way, what are we doing in York New, Masami-chan?" Hinata baby asked his mother aka Masami herself. She did claim Hinata as her baby when she met him, and the other first years.

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