~ Chapter 8 ~

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Masami's Pov

"Woah there, are you ok?"

Someone catched me from the back so I turned over at him and look up cause he's tall. Well, average high for a guy.

When I turned around and boy he was an angel! Am I dead??

"Th-thanks... and uhh... I can manage myself, don't worry." I waved at him saying that's it's ok.

"Are you sure?" he asked with worried face.

Oh my lord I---

"Yes, I am." I said smiling at him. He just nodded and let go of my arms.

Then again I walked but failed. Huhuhu why is this happening to me of all times?

I was falling as he catched me, again..

"See? I told you if you're sure but turns out you're not." he smiled...

Lord, you may take me!

"Let me walk you to your room.... By the way, what room are you staying?" he asked nervously smiling as he scratched the back of his neck.

"I'm sleeping with the managers. Do you know what room are they in?" smiling as he nodded then....

What he did shooked me. He lifted me up bridal style before smiling again as a bright light aura came at the back of his head.

I can die in peace now...


Moments passed as we finally reached the manager's room. He carefully put my down before sliding the door open. There was no one inside so he help me walked inside and sat on a futon.

"This should be the room for the managers, I'll be going back now, see you later!" he was gonna exit the door when I called him.


"Hmm?" he hummed in response as he turned his head to look at me.

"I... I didn't get your name... So uhh.. I---"

"My name is Kita, Kita Shinsuke and you are?" he cut me off by stating his name.

"M-My name is Masami Sa-- Kazanae.. Nice to meet you! Kita-san!!" I beamed a smile at him causing him to be red and quickly turn around towards the door.

"Nice to meet you too, Masami-san." then, it's his turn to smile. I was stunned at how handsome and cute he was!

As soon as he exited and closed the doors I layed flat on my futon while clushing my heart.

Oh my ghhhaaawwwdd!!

I mentally screamed as my face was now fifty shades of red. I can't believe I met a guy so handsome in my life. Well, I met some because of my dad randomly introducing me to random son's of another dons.


"... sami~"

"... asami!!"


I grunted at the loud shout cause of my cousin.

"MASAMI SAK--- umpph!!"

Throwing a pillow at her face hard enough to make her stumble and landed on her bum. It's payback for what she did earlier.

"What the fuck!?" she stated. Rubbing my eyes off and yawned at the same time. I looked around and there was still no one. Only her and me in a large assed room.

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