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Thursday is for the twins, as Changbin called it. Felix and Jisung would spend the entire day together in hopes that Jisung would help with Felix's mental health.

It was near noon when they decided to take a break from shopping and sit down for lunch. Although Jisung wasn't fond of retail therapy, he went along with it, knowing it somewhat helped his best friend.

Jisung had offered Felix psychiatry sessions, even before the tragic accident, but the blonde refused. He even offered in-home sessions but it was no use as Felix declined. It wasn't because he didn't trust Jisung, he just simply wasn't ready to relive it. He asked both his best friend and husband to give him time; when he was ready to open up, he would let them know.

Felix sighed, exhausted, but also sad as he looked at his lock screen. It was a picture of Changbin holding their son. Jisung immediately noticed and reached out to hold one of his hands, a comfort habit between the two.

"Do you want to talk about the appointment?" Jisung asked softly, not wanting to pressure his friend into a conversation, but rather offer a listener to the thoughts Felix might be holding onto.

"They said he's doing well but surgery is still not out of the picture..."

That's the fear. His baby going through a complicated surgery at such a young age. What if he doesn't make it? What if it harms him even more? What if he allowed the surgery and later regretted it? What if he lost his baby?

Although Jisung didn't have children, he has helped clients with children, but he still felt his heart hurt seeing Felix like this.

"It looks like there's good progress. You take great care of Jay and that's something to be very proud of, especially when you are getting these answers now. You're doing great, Lix," Jisung said, giving his friend a genuine smile, which Felix returned.

"I don't know what I would do without you, Ji."

Jisung decided that the topic was already emotional, so he decided to turn the conversation around. It didn't take long before the two were having a more comfortable conversation.

"Tell me you got your eye crush's number? Or name even?" Felix asked, sipping his drink, waiting anxiously for an answer.

"From what I can conclude, he is already in a relationship," Jisung said, bummed out with the situation.

"Are you sure or are you guessing?"

"I'm sure, from what I can tell you."

Felix pouted at his friend's crush outcome. Just like Jisung had been there for him during his difficult time, so was Felix. After Hyunjin rejected the idea of a blind date with the young therapist, Jisung had stated he had given up on love. "Well, how about you befriend him? A friend is harmless. Plus, if he's taken, then you can have two new friends."

"I already have two friends; you and Chan."


Jisung rolled his eyes jokingly, "And Changbin." Felix smiled at the mention of his husband. "I'll try to befriend him, but the only thing I'm good at is offering my therapy sessions," Jisung added, not wanting to imagine how that would go down.

"Speaking about that, how's everything going?" Felix asked, lowering his voice. Since Jisung was a licensed therapist and the best in the city, if he is caught breaking any regulations, it could harm his career. Hence why they were careful not to mention anything sensitive that could be taken out of context. Felix just wanted to know about Jeongin and Jisung's thoughts.

"Good, my clients are all sweethearts, very kind. I can feel we connect well and are all working together to get better," Jisung said hoping Felix could imply that he was talking about Jeongin.

"That's great, Ji. You sounded like my ex-friend, you know the one I told you about before? Seungmin.. he was so kind to everyone," Felix trailed off, still saddened by the situation.

Seungmin? Jisung thought it was just a coincidence, but not when he knew Jeongin is Hyunjin's brother, which means it could be the same person. He remembers how heartbroken Felix was when he blamed himself for hurting his first city best friend. Now Jeongin was constantly talking about this Seungmin every time he was at his session.

Once Felix arrived home, he immediately dropped his shopping bags on the dining room table, worried at the silence. The blonde rushed into the family room, only to smile in relief at a sight he just won't ever get tired of seeing.

Changbin had his sleeves rolled up, while their son laid peacefully on his daddy's buff chest. Felix could tell the baby was showered and ready for bed, while his husband had messy hair and had fallen asleep.

It seemed like a crime to have to wake them up. Felix had to tell himself it was for the best. Leaning over, the blonde kissed his son's fluffy hair and reached out to pick him up. At the slight moment, Changbin woke up, alarmed when he felt his son moving.

"I'm back Binnie. I just want to take the baby to his bed," Felix said softly, reaching over to give him a small peck.

After successfully putting baby Jay to sleep, Felix walked down to see Changbin picking up the family room. "Binnie let's go to bed please~" Felix sang, already walking over to wrap his hands around his husband's neck. Changbin stared lovingly at the pretty blonde in his arms.

"Of course, my love," Changbin said, picking him up bridal style and made their way into their bedroom.
They were true love soulmates.

- ♡︎ -
Two days later

Minho waved goodbye to his clients as he finished up for the day. He had fixed his schedule to help Seungmin and Jeongin with therapy sessions. It wasn't difficult for the young architect to change his routine since he was the owner, but for Seungmin, there wasn't anything he wouldn't do.

Knocking on the door of the younger's office made Seugmin look up, smiling at his favorite coworker. "I was thinking we could head out to lunch before we pick up Jeongin. You ready?"

Seungmin was conflicted, as he was behind with his work. Although he really didn't need to work, Seungmin chose to offer his design skills to the company, with the condition he would only choose the projects he wanted. As a shareholder, Minho had told him not to overwhelm himself, since he had gifted him the title and benefits. A talented interior designer was not kept under the radar. After his first client, Seugmin received client after client, he just didn't have the heart to reject any of them.

"I'm behind Min. I either take lunch or go with Jeongin, but he's more important to me." Seungmin said sincerely because he felt extremely guilty for the times Minho had been kind enough to take Jeongin to his sessions.

"Let's go to lunch, I'll take Jeongin. Don't worry about it, I think we get along great now. I'm sure he would be hurt if he knew you were not taking care of yourself. He needs you, right? Which means you need to make sure you're healthy to be there for him."

Minho wanted to add "and for me too" after the last sentence. He didn't want Seungmin to neglect his health and he also needed him. The older was a tad timid to ever express those feelings.

A few minutes later, the two were off to lunch, as promised.

"When I see others in love, all I think about is you. You are my eternal love."

omg I did it you guys! I finished my projects!
rapline_multi good luck bestie ♡︎ ace your exam ♡︎

I'm so nervous about tickets tomorrow. I'm gonna try again to get VIP but if not I'll just have to settle for reseale ☹︎

i dont believe in love ♥︎ seungjin Where stories live. Discover now