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The days didn't slow down. In fact, they flew by faster and they were now about to enter fall. It had been almost three months since the life of the Hwangs changed once more.

"I'm relieved to know that Jeongin has gone from the catatonic depression to a depressive episode. Our initial diagnosis was based on his stand-still movements, but with the improvement he has made these past few months, we can now give him this new diagnosis. Since he's gotten better, Jisung can start to treat him more. I'll prescribe antidepressants but it's completely up to Jeongin to take them. You've been doing a great job at helping." The psychiatrist explained to Seungmin, who let out a breath of relief upon hearing the news.

True to the professional's word, Jeongin had been making a slow recovery. Talking was exhausting and he still felt tired almost always, but he was answering questions. He had gone from eating a few bites of his food to eating a full meal a day.

On days when Chan visited, - which was once a week - Jeongin ate two meals. Seungmin realized that something was going on between them but knowing that the time was not correct to ask Jeongin, he simply respected the older's visits, seeing the improvement he had on the youngest.

While everyone had slowly adjusted and gone back to their normal routine, Seungmin couldn't. He had an obligation that he took very seriously. Even if clients asked Seungmin to provide his design services in return for high amounts of money, he still denied them. Seungmin didn't have to worry because between Minho and Yuna, the two held the fort down well enough. There were projects that Seungmin couldn't reject because they were once in a life time opportunities. So, with the help of the two, the brunette only went to work when it was important and rushed back to the Hwang house to take care of Jeongin.

The only time Seungmin wasn't there for Jeongin was when Hyunjin was home, although the young lawyer was not in a good state to leave unattended. After witnessing his drunk thoughts, Seungmin subconsciously worried about the last few words the ravenette had uttered. Hyunjin tried to hide his emotions and while in court he had the skill, when it came to his personal life, no matter how much he tried, the exhaustion and stress always showed.

Hyunjin was lost. He'd always been, but knowing that Jeongin is all he has makes him sick to his stomach to ever think of the worst. He went from having two loving parents, a twin sister, a little brother, and a perfect husband to only his little brother. If Hyunjin lost him, he was sure he would lose it all. His mind, his soul, will to live.

Seungmin furrowed his eyebrows when he heard the gate open because Chan had already visited this week. He watched the luxurious SUV pull into the driveway, but the moment he spotted the driver, he couldn't help but dig his nails into his palms to calm down his anger.

Rolling his eyes when the doorbell rang, Seungmin contemplated whether to ignore them, but he knew it would only cause more problems. Yanking the door open, he immediately looked behind the person, not wanting to look at the unexpected guests.

"I was just in the area and wanted to drop by.." Felix trailed off sadly as he noticed the brunette had already turned around and left the entrance before he could even finish his sentence.

Felix knew it was risky to visit Jeongin without either Hyunjin or Changbin around. He was also worried for the health of not just the younger, but everyone. Including his dear friend, who probably didn't still feel that way.

Glancing at the staircase, Felix debated for a few minutes on whether to just leave. Fortunately, his baby was still sleeping in his arms and the blonde was thankful in knowing that the little one always seemed to pick up on his emotions.

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