Chapter 11

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A Flawed Plan

The trio fell hard on Ada's front yard with only her bushes to break their fall. Nathaniel let out a moan before getting back up. The front of his shirt had the beast's large gash marks, he had stopped bleeding but his wounds still didn't look too good.

"Ow, you alright?" Ethyne said getting up to help Nathaniel. "We need to get you to a doctor,"

"H-how are we going to explain how I-I got these in the first place?" he said weakly.

"I'll handle that, what's important is we get you healed first," she replied already walking away with Nathaniel in tow.

They didn't even look at Chang'e as she got up the ground covered in bruises as they were. That first quest was a mess, but she knew it'd just get better from there. Afterall, they ended up leaving in one piece now didn't they? And it was all thanks to who? Her, well sort of.

The two had already walked out of sight, should she follow them? Chang'e wasn't quite sure. Every bit of her efforts in just about anything seem to always end in a disaster now did it? She brushed the thought away, it was just a coincidence. The next element ought to be a lot less perilous.

Chang'e turned towards the star spangled sky. It was night once more, it felt a little nice seeing the moon even if there was only one on the Earth sky. Then her gaze fell upon Nathaniel's house. An uneasy feeling sprung in her chest, the events of the day flashed through her eyes. The sound of the slash, the momentary thought that he wasn't going to make it. She quickly turned away, he's alive, and he'd be just fine, she continued to repeat those words over and over again in her mind. She didn't like that feeling.

She stepped back inside the house to check on Moon. They've only been gone for a few hours, Moon was still asleep. Chang'e took out her hairpin, retrieved the elements, gazing them at the palm of her hand. Home was just five elements away. She smiled at the thought of being able to see her grandmother again, if only she was here now.

Chang'e placed the sceond stone on her bedroom carpet, watching its dim emerald green glow. She took the element in her hand and said the spell to find the next element. The map emerged, this time she zoomed in much closer. There it was, the words written in gold linings. The Misty Mountains.

Great. All that was left was to tell Nathaniel and Ethyne, wait for Nathaniel to heal and they'd be off on their way to find the third element.


"No," Ethyne said shortly.


"I said no Chang'e, I'm sorry but you're on your own," she repeated.

"But you two said you'd help me, you can't just ditch me like that," Chang'e replied hotly. "What's Nathaniel got to say about this,"

"You were there too, you should know that he almost died! Chang'e your mission is life threatening for the two of us," Ethyne said. "You've got to understand, we're humans, not super powered beings,"

"You think I don't know that? Why do you think I teleport the two of you huh? And he's alive isn't he!" Chang'e said angrily.

"I know that! But he got injured, I went home covered in bruises, even you went home covered in bruises, I know-" she said as Chang'e began her protests. "I just don't think it's a good idea to continue,"

"Well what does Nathaniel think? If you don't want to come maybe he will," Chang'e said angrily refusing to look at Ethyne.

"He's not coming, Chang'e, my whole point was that what you're finding here wasn't made to be found, they're dangerous and I don't want Nathaniel and I to be a part of it," Ethyne fired back.

"You can't speak for him, I want Nathaniel's own opinion,"

Ethyne didn't reply, she simply frowned before turning to walk away from the house. About a week had passed and Nathaniel was all better, but Ethyne was adamant that he would have no part in Chang'e's mission.

It wasn't fair, they said they were going to help her. And they just left her right at the start of their mission. Chang'e tried and tried again to convince them, them meaning just Ethyne, because she wouldn't let Chang'e ask Nathaniel himself.

"No," the answer was the same as always, Chang'e was running out of time.

Ada would be back the very next week, a week wasn't enough time to find all the elements. She had no choice but to go alone, she didn't quite like that idea though. Maybe they'd change their mind? Maybe she should wait for a little while longer.


Ethyne stepped into Nathaniel's house bringing with her a basket filled with Nathaniel's favorite food. She had been visiting as much as she could as Nathaniel's family had been off to a family vacation and they wouldn't be returning until the end of summer.

"How is it?"

"I-I'm fine, I've been fine for a while now. Chang'e's been healing me too," Nathaniel said with a smile as his friend took a seat beside him.

"I brought our list,"


"You know the list of activities we're planning to do since-" Ethyne stopped right there, maybe she ought to at least give him the chance to choose?

But it was dangerous, and all for what? A stone!


"Since we're not helping Chang'e anymore," she said slowly and quietly but loud enough for Nathaniel to hear.

"What! What do you mean we're not helping her anymore?" .

"It's just dangerous and I-I- Nathaniel don't look at me like that, You can't blame me," she said faltering as she continued. "You know I'm right,"

"D-don't you think it'll be dangerous for Chang'e too?" he asked as he got up from the couch. "I want to help,"

"She can handle herself,"

"Then so can I,"

Ethyne turned to Nathaniel, he was persistent. Whatever reason Ethyne would throw at him he wouldn't listen. She didn't know what, but something about that hurt a little. He got back on the couch and turned on the TV, before turning back to Ethyne.

"Read the list," he whispered.

Ethyne let out a chuckle, the list was filled with watching all the shows they liked. Nothing else had been added, they hadn't finished their list.

"You're really going are you?"

Nathaniel nodded.

"Then I'm coming too, we'll add it to our list," Ethyne mused taking out a pen. "Participating in dangerous element quest," she wrote on the list, reading it aloud to Nathaniel. "Who knows what the next thing is,"

"Dunno, m-maybe it's a big math test," he teased as he nudged her shoulder. "You sure you wanna come along?"

"Shut up," she laughed.

Both of them turned to each other before turning away, their cheeks slightly pinker than they were before. The TV still on, it was something Ethyne felt so familiar yet so new at the same time. They've done this before, but so much has changed since then.

Maybe a little too much.

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