No. 42

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<Rosé's POV>

"Lisa," I whispered. Both Jennie and I turned around simultaneously, staring at the girl in disbelief. Wait. She wasn’t alone. What the fuck was Minnie doing in my front yard?!

My eyes were glued to the slim woman, kissing MY Lisa in front of me. How could she do this to me? Was she doing this on purpose? Why was I asking- it was obvious. Lisa brought her here for revenge. This was so typical.

"Lisa, may I talk to you?" I exclaimed angrily.

"You look pretty occupied to me. And actually, I am too."

She raises her eyebrows in an unapproving way and pecks Minnie on the cheek. Noticing that Jennie is still laying on top of me, I push her off and stand up, wiping the dirt off my dress.

"Lisa!" I yell, frustrated at this situation. I just want to talk to her, apologize about what happened.

"Fine. Can you give us a second, babe?" she asks Minnie, almost causing me to gag.


"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" Lisa asks monotonously.

"I want to apologize, for all those fucked up things I did, like ever-"

"Let me stop you right there." she interrupts me. "I don't need an apology. I'm not mad at you. I'm also not sad, nor disappointed. I don't feel anything for you, so don't worry. You mean absolutely NOTHING to me."

Although her words felt like she had stabbed knives into my chest, I was holding onto that one tiny bit of hope that she was only denying her feelings to protect herself.

"Do you really feel that way about me?" I whispered, my eyes slowly filling with tears.

She looked at the ground for a moment, before inhaling deeply and saying: "Yes."

A tear escaped from my eye and rolled down my cheek, reminding me that this was actually real. Rational thinking people would have walked away right then and there, knowing that if they would stay, they would only end up hurting themselves even more. But I? I'm a psycho. In the moments I should leave, I stay as if I was holding onto a rope that was about to snap. The thing is when you hold onto something like that you painfully see how every single thread snaps until you fall.

"Did you ever care about me, or was I just a game from the beginning? Tell me. Tell me, if what I felt was real, or if I was just a game to you, like all the others." Meanwhile, my eyes were burning with all the tears I was trying to hold back.

Lisa wasn't moving, she was staring at the ground, unable to move or speak. She either still loved me and was about to tell me, or she was ashamed of herself for using me all this time.

"Tell me if I mattered to you and what I felt was real, and if it was, we'll figure it out and all the pain we went through won't be for nothing," I whispered.

"It was just a game, I like to win."


"Good morning, Rosé. How are you doing today?" Jisoo grinned at me with her bright smile. There was no other option, but to admire her optimistic attitude, even though she was going through hell.

"I'm still alive. I guess," I scoffed. "How about you? Finally heard from Lisa?"

"Yeah. In fact, I did." she exhaled disappointedly. "She called to quit. Didn't even say why. Didn't call me to apologize, or say where she was. She just abandoned all of us." Jisoo motioned to Suga and Jin.

"Hey, Jisoo. Don't be upset. I'll talk to her, maybe she'll even listen," Suga tried to console her. It was adorable how these friends held together. Lisa used to belong to them, to the gang. She used to be inseparable from Jisoo.

I couldn't stand seeing Jisoo this frustrated, she deserved to be happy. And I was going to make her smile again.


I rang the doorbell, waiting for the Minnie girl, who currently was my worst nightmare, to open the door. Instead, a blonde, half-clothed woman, who giggled an awful lot, opened the front door. Without taking another look at her, I pushed my way through various shoes and other clothing items towards the living room where Lisa was making out with.... somebody. I couldn't even keep track of the people she was sleeping with.

I cleared my throat, hoping to catch somebody's attention. Fortunately, Lisa detached herself from the blonde, holding my gaze. Her furrowed eyebrows and squinched eyes made me feel more than uncomfortable, but despite all of this, I reminded myself that I was doing this for Jisoo. And if I was being really honest, I was doing it for Lisa too.

"Hello, lover" she slurred. Ah, she was probably drunk, maybe that's what she was doing the last week while everyone else was preparing for the SATs.

"Lisa, please. Your apartment smells disgusting." I said, trying to ignore the dominant smell of smoke and scotch.

"If you're here to mock me, I'm not in the mood. These girls are punishing me enough," she smirked that devilish smirk of hers again, before focussing her attention back to the blond.

"Lisa, look. Frankly, I don't care what you do, but I can't sit by and just watch you avoid Jisoo."

"As you can see I'm quite busy."

"I know you quit your job."

"Believe me, these girls are a lot of work."

Although, I still loved her, in this state she was more repelling that she was magnetic.

"And believe me, Jisoo is not sitting around, wondering when she is going to hear back from Lalisa Manoban."

"Firstly, that is exactly what she is doing right now. Actually, that's what everyone is doing right now, missing and worrying about you. And second of all, we both know what this is about. You lost whatever we had, you had already lost both of your parents and now the thought of losing Jisoo terrifies you."

She pushed the blonde of her lap in an angry manner and leaned towards me. At least now she was properly listening to our conversation.

"Please spare me your psycho-psych-analysis."

I froze for a second at the word psycho, before recollecting myself. I am doing this for Jisoo, I am doing this for Jisoo. I repeated this sentence over and over again, like a mantra trying to focus on my task.

"Look, Lisa. Sleep with all the Minnie's in town for all I care, but don't close your heart to Jisoo. You and I both know, the person you'll end up hurting most is you."

Well, that was probably not entirely true, the person she hurt most by acting out, was me.

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