Chapter 1

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Kayden Kai Rivers
Chicago , IL

I woke up to some one in my face and I jumped up so high in straight fear

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I woke up to some one in my face and I jumped up so high in straight fear. "Hey," Farrah said as she smiled. My breathing was heaving, and she was acting like scaring wasn't nothing. With a mug on my face I push her out the room and lay back in bed not paying her any attention as she bangs on my bedroom door.

I get in the bathroom do my morning routine and get dressed.

When I'm done I go downstairs to make some cereal. Farrah and I just chill for most of the day watching Dynasty on Netflix.

It's been almost a year since I've heard from Zeanna.
All I could do was cry but I knew there was a greater chance she was dead and we'd probably never see her again.

I'm worried and even her brothers had given up and they straight loved that girl. And the authorities was just a waste of time. It's like they could care less whether we find her or not. It angers me how Zeanna was just another file sitting on their desks.

She'd  been with me since I could remember and for almost a year to hit without her just feels unreal. I don't think she ran away. I know Zeanna she would've left a note or something. She wouldn't just get up and leave, someone took her , there's more to the story.

I miss her she always made me feel loved and worthy and I can't even have a conversation with her anymore, something I used to do frequently. She was here for me when I was going through things I can't even put into words.

I was sitting on the couch next to Farah just thinking of the situation at hand. "Hey,You think we'll ever be able to find Zeanna or if she's even alive," I asked Farrah.

"She better be alive," She responded , tears started roll down my face.

She has been with me through good and bad, I love her. I got up and went into the kitchen to get some food. We always would eat together in our car late at night. It was how we bonded into becoming such close friends.

She was a fan of just getting on the highway at night and blasting music just because she was real cool to be around.

I sat back down on the couch just thinking. "I wonder what she's doing right or if she made the decision to just leave and if she did I hope she was happy and safe." She would never do that but at this point anything could be of possibility.

My phone started to ring. It was an unknown number I answered and put my phone on speaker so we could hear who it was, possibly some telemarketer we were gonna play games with.

"Hello, is this the family of Zeanna Taylor." "Yes," I responded as my heart started to beat quickly. "I'm calling to let you know she's been admitted to UChicago Medicine." "what happened?" I asked as I looked up at Farah in the room with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry ma'am we can't speak of these matters on the call but you can come to the hospital if you'd like," She told me. I told her thank you and as soon as I ended the call we flew off the chair and to the car forgetting to even call her brothers.

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