Finally you get ur chance.

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After the class i did well according to my Father and Kreese.

Johnny came over to me followed by Dutch "What's up frowns"Dutch said, I furrowed my eyebrows and he chuckled "Ur frowning it's a joke."Johnny Added i looked at him and giggled a bit.

"Hey can i talk to you?"Johnny asked i nodded and we walked out "i really am sorry about Ali and Daniel.. I just don't like Daniel. He's competing against me in a tournament."he told me i laughed "Ooh you're scared"

His eyes widened "Me?! scared of that twit?"i laughed and nudged him "Hey when you told me-".

he looked down at me "Yeah i know it was stupid.."

i tilt my head "Hey it wasn't i just i don't know.."

"I need to make it up to you like right now."He told me i smiled and then he grabbed my hand and handed me a helmet "What are you doing?"i asked, Johnny smirked and got onto his motorbike and signalled for me to get on "Making it up to you"

-Sorry this is so short dude i'm lacking on school work rn so i tried to post as much as i could this weekend!!

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