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My thoughts feel tangled, like every time I try to focus, I get swept away into this dizzy haze. It's you──just thinking about you sends me into a dream I can't quite wake up from. But honestly, I don't even want to.

At any random moment, I catch myself singing those over-the-top love songs on the radio, twirling around my room like some lovesick idiot. My dad must think I've completely lost my mind.

What is going on with me?

I can't seem to breathe right. Like, seriously. It's this breathless, fluttery feeling, and no──I'm not drunk. I mean, I'm sure I'm not. But, God, it's like being tipsy on you.

And then you show up. Oh my God, it's like my heart flips over itself, like it's been training for the Olympics in secret. This tingly, electric pulse races through my body, makes my toes curl and shivers dance down my spine. My whole body feels alive with something I can't name.

It's weird, really. I almost want to scream out every fear, every doubt, every worry just to make room for whatever this is. I blame you for this. I was fine──normal──before you showed up and messed with my head.

I can't focus on anything, and it's all your fault.

God, what did you do to me?

And my eyes, of course, just have to betray me. They trip over themselves, blinking way too much when you smile, and suddenly all I can think about is what your lips would feel like against my skin, how your hands would fit around my waist. Damn, I swear even the sun must get jealous of your smile.

Sorry... I spaced out again. What was I saying? Right, fuck.

I can't explain it. You're kinda, sorta, basically, pretty much always on my mind. I don't know why, but I can't shake you out of my thoughts. Out of my body. Out of my everything.

Holy crap, is this really happening?

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