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I would say Josh is a very physical person.

No, not in a sense where he likes ogling female bodies or he’s maliciously touchy, it’s his whole being and personality which are very physical - in my opinion anyway.

I mean he’s very welcoming especially when he meets his fans, always happy to give hugs and kisses. He’s very comfortable opening up himself to people and making them feel comfortable as well. Towards his bandmates, he has this brotherly affection which is also shown in physical gestures.

Being the physical person that he is, meant that he’s also the vainest among the lads. From his hair to his belt, from his polka dot shirt to his rings, he fusses over the tiniest detail. He always has a carefully planned gig outfit. Josh isn’t the type who’s just going to wear whatever he grabs from his luggage to gigs. Image is an important part of the band and he upholds it the most, especially after gaining a spot at the 2013 GQ Best Dressed List. I believe that list also gave him the validation to be vain.

I agree that Josh is the most dapper Strypes member, however, there was a period where I was highly distracted by this particular red jeans he often wears.

An hour before a gig - after everyone was already dressed - I saw Josh moving around the dressing room walking in a certain strut with that red jeans. I assume it was his way of preparing himself before a gig where he adopts a personality on stage different from his normal day to day self.

After fixing his semi-quiff, he walked across the room in a slow almost cat-like manner while chewing his gum.

In a rare opportunity, I was having my own downtime hanging out in the dressing room enjoying a conversation with Pete, eating chips and drinking a can of beer from their rider (when two of the lads turned 18 and when we’re not in American soil, we can include a few beers to put in their rider).  

Josh would sometimes go out to check the crowd and the venue, his strut very much intact. He would then go back inside the dressing room sit around for a bit then would start walking around again.

Every time I get a glimpse of the red fabric, my eyes would immediately shift from Pete to where Josh was. It was totally distracting me from our conversation.

“Do you want to build a snowman~~~” Ross entered the room randomly singing to himself in a low voice.

“For the last time Ross, I don’t want to build a fucking snowman with you!!” Pete shouted, his voice echoed in the whole dressing room.

My eyes went back to Pete when I lost sight of Josh’s jeans and him shouting out of nowhere. Poor Ross, who jumped quite startled because of Pete’s outburst, let out a nervous laugh. I shook my head while chuckling at Pete’s silliness.

Hearing the commotion inside, Josh walked in or should I say “came swaggering” back inside the dressing room.

“Can you not?” I heard Pete in front of me. He raised his eyebrow at me noticing that my eyes continued following Josh’s pants. I can hear the soft swish swishof the jeans’ fabric because of its tightness.   

“It’s utterly distracting.” I softly said careful not to let Josh hear.

“It’s meant to be that way.” Pete said, matter-of-factly. I just shrugged my shoulders trying not to shamelessly stare. But there goes Josh’s strut again as he walk near the couch where we were and I can hear the swish swish.

“Y/N, focus!” Pete scolded me in a whisper.  

“Focus on what? We’re eating chips!” I threw a piece of chip at him.

Confessions of the Band P.A.       (The Strypes)Where stories live. Discover now